Nieuws - PV OESO
37 nieuwsberichten over PV OESO
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OESO: Nederlandse en internationale landbouw- focus op duurzaamheid en innovatie
De landbouwsector staat wereldwijd voor uitdagingen: van klimaatverandering tot geopolitieke spanningen. Nederland, als één van ...
The Netherlands and OECD’s cooperation for biodiversity: rethinking subsidies
The Netherlands, partnering with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and other countries, is ...
OECD and Agribusiness webinar on International developments in the livestock sector
On 10 September, the OECD and Agribusiness Service will organize a free webinar focused on topics such as sustainability, ...
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2024-2033: Opkomende economieën en duurzaamheid aan zet
De OESO en FAO werpen in de twintigjarige jubileum editie van de Agricultural Outlook 2024-2033 wederom een licht op de trends in ...
PV OESO: Inzichten en toepassingen in rural proofing
Het rapport "Rural Proofing: Lessons from OECD Countries and Potential Application to Health" van de OESO zet uiteen hoe ...
Meer synergie nodig voor gegevensverzameling broeikasgasemissies OESO
De OESO-paper 'Greenhouse gas emissions data: Concepts and data availability' brengt inzichten naar voren over de beschikbaarheid ...
How fruitful is the future of fertiliser policies?
Recent price spikes in fertilisers have highlighted the agriculture sector's heavy reliance on these inputs, posing a challenge ...
West Africa’s Struggle with Currency Devaluation and Food Insecurity
Global food systems face a triple challenge: ensuring food- and nutrition security, promoting environmental sustainability, and ...
Global economic and sustainable development: the pioneering role of the Permanent Representation to OECD
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), headquartered in Paris, plays a crucial role in crafting ...
New Agrospecial on the efforts of the Netherlands in multilateral policy
The Netherlands Agricultural Network (LAN) is happy to announce the launch of the 10th edition of the Agrospecial e-magazine ...