Nieuws - PV OESO

37 nieuwsberichten over PV OESO

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  1. OESO: Nederlandse en internationale landbouw- focus op duurzaamheid en innovatie

    De landbouwsector staat wereldwijd voor uitdagingen: van klimaatverandering tot geopolitieke spanningen. Nederland, als één van ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 02-12-2024 | 16:41

  2. The Netherlands and OECD’s cooperation for biodiversity: rethinking subsidies

    The Netherlands, partnering with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and other countries, is ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 07-11-2024 | 09:30

  3. OECD and Agribusiness webinar on International developments in the livestock sector

    On 10 September, the OECD and Agribusiness Service will organize a free webinar focused on topics such as sustainability, ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 26-08-2024 | 11:30

  4. OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2024-2033: Opkomende economieën en duurzaamheid aan zet

    De OESO en FAO werpen in de twintigjarige jubileum editie van de Agricultural Outlook 2024-2033 wederom een licht op de trends in ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 03-07-2024 | 10:42

  5. PV OESO: Inzichten en toepassingen in rural proofing

    Het rapport "Rural Proofing: Lessons from OECD Countries and Potential Application to Health" van de OESO zet uiteen hoe ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 26-06-2024 | 18:33

  6. Meer synergie nodig voor gegevensverzameling broeikasgasemissies OESO

    De OESO-paper 'Greenhouse gas emissions data: Concepts and data availability' brengt inzichten naar voren over de beschikbaarheid ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 25-06-2024 | 10:00

  7. How fruitful is the future of fertiliser policies?

    Recent price spikes in fertilisers have highlighted the agriculture sector's heavy reliance on these inputs, posing a challenge ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 29-04-2024 | 09:00

  8. West Africa’s Struggle with Currency Devaluation and Food Insecurity

    Global food systems face a triple challenge: ensuring food- and nutrition security, promoting environmental sustainability, and ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 24-04-2024 | 12:00

  9. Global economic and sustainable development: the pioneering role of the Permanent Representation to OECD

    The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), headquartered in Paris, plays a crucial role in crafting ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-04-2024 | 09:30

  10. New Agrospecial on the efforts of the Netherlands in multilateral policy

    The Netherlands Agricultural Network (LAN) is happy to announce the launch of the 10th edition of the Agrospecial e-magazine ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 27-03-2024 | 18:05