AgriFood and Livestock

Policy icon

2024 - Start of work on concept of state program for development of livestock sector

the main goal of the state target economic program for the development of livestock breeding is to create conditions for the successful development of the industry in compliance with the norms and practices of the European Union, and to expand export potential. In addition, it is important to meet the needs of Ukrainians with high quality and safe products, increase value-added production, and increase the competitiveness of the sector.

2023 - GMO Policy in Ukraine


Certificates for import into Ukraine on the site of State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection

Sector reports

2024 Ukraine is 2nd largest honey supplier to EU

2024 - Ukraine introduces a quota for the export of poultry meat to EU

2023 – TOP pig /pork producers in Ukraine

2023.09 - Ukraine food balances in times of uncertainty. Scenario analysis of Black Sea grain initiative abandonment and infrastructure destruction on food balances in Ukraine by the World Food Programme Ukraine and the Kyiv School of Economics

2022 - The Agricultural export portfolio of Ukraine

2023 - Black Sea Grain Initiative Vessel Movements

2023 - ENG Export of Agriproducts by Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

2023.07 - Did Black Sea Grain Initiative help Ukrainian farmers?  by Vox Ukraine

2023.07 - Updates from the Joint Coordination Centre by UN

2023.07 - One year of the Black Sea Initiative: Key facts and figures by UN news

2023 - Business Development of the small-scale bakeries in Ukraine

2023 - Agricultural Outlook Ukraine: 2050 Projections for Crops & 2030 - Cereals and Oilseeds market projections

2021 - Sustainable Talk on modern food trends, alternative proteins, choice of consumers and retailers and developments in agribusinss for the coming 10 years

2021 - Market of plant-based dairy alternatives in Ukraine

2021 - Ukraine: Plant based meat study

2019 - GrowInUkraine - overview of UA agriculture

2019 - Ukrainian sugar industry in figures 2019/2019

2018 - The Green Paper "Milk Market Regulation" (in Ukrainian)

2018 - PSD Study - business opportunities in Western Ukraine

2018 - 2018 Chain comparison of the meat sector in Ukraine and in the Netherlands

2017 - Chain Comparison of the Dairy Sector in Ukraine and the Netherlands

2016 - Ukrainian Poultry, Egg, Feed Report by U.S. Commercial Service

Niche sectors and recent updates