Ukraine: Green paper “Milk Market Regulation” is ready.

Ukraine ranks 9th in the world in terms of milk production, which is more than a third of gross livestock production. In 2017, the country produced 10.3 million tons of milk, while the Netherlands produced 14,5 mln. tons. Today, the capacity of the market of raw milk, which comes to Ukrainian processing enterprises, can be more than 900 mln. EURO.

Green paper
Beeld: ©BRDO / BRDO

But the legislative regulation in the sector is far from being perfect. According to the findings of the systematic analysis of the regulatory framework conducted by the BRDO experts, 16 of 57 regulatory acts in the milk production market were irrelevant and 5 regulatory acts were illegal. Most of 17 regulatory instruments have high corruption risks due to undefined and non-transparent procedures.

The government, business and public representatives discussed the ways of solving the market problems during the Roundtable “Milk Market Regulation” in Kyiv. The event was organized by the BRDO Office with the support of EU4Business/FORBIZ as part of the Public Dialogue #PRODialogue.

You can read the whole article:

The Green paper “Milk Market Regulation” was presented at this event.

It can be downloaded in Ukrainian here:

The Better Regulation Delivery Office is an independent expert-analytical center funded by the European Union as part of the FORBIZ project and the EU4Business Initiative.

The project focuses on improving the business environment and investment attractiveness of Ukraine, promoting entrepreneurship development and establishing a public dialogue between the government and businesses.