Oekraïne - Ukraine - Україна
Office of the Agricultural Counsellor, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine
Офіс Радника з питань сільського господарства Посольства Королівства Нідерландів в Україні
Recommended events
Ukraine: Landscape congress
The two day off-line event in Kyiv will gather landscape designers, architects, suppliers of planting material etc.
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- Kyiv, Ukraine
IFFIP 2025 – International Forum of Food Industry and Packaging
The major event of the packaging and food industry of Ukraine and is the connecting link between suppliers and manufacturers of equipment, packaging, and processing and manufacturing companies. IFFIP is represented by independent specialized exhibitions of Pack Fair, Food Expo, FoodTechMash, Bakery & Confectionery Industry.
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- Kyiv, Ukraine