Subsidy and Funding

The Netherlands supports Ukraine in a variety of ways, contributing to the resilience of Ukrainian economy, humanitarian projects and reconstruction. The funding is mainly done via International Financial Institutions, however there are bilateral programs supported by the Dutch Government in Ukraine.

Subsidy and Funding - Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)

Please visit the Subsidie- en financieringswijzer ( for information about available programs for the Dutch businesses in Ukraine.

Website in English is available via this link:

THe folowing financial instruments are curently available for the companies and organizations in the Netherlands to support their initiatives and activities in Ukraine.

Partners for International Business - PIB

The Partners for International Business (PIB) programme allows Dutch businesses to enter into a public-private partnership to realise their international ambitions. Doing business abroad is not always easy. You may be confronted with trade barriers, a lack of knowledge among local governments and businesses or restrictive local laws. Joining forces with other businesses in your industry and the Dutch government puts you in a better position.

Climate and Energy Response Facility - CERF

Decreasing greenhouse gas emissions worldwide and mitigating climate change is now more important than ever. The Climate and Energy Response Facility (CERF) contributes to this goal. The facility supports partner countries with their climate and energy transitions. The facility also helps partner countries carry out climate mitigation actions faster. CERF will run from 2022 to 2025.

DHI subsidy scheme

Do you have an innovative SME with international ambitions? Do you want to invest in a foreign company or carry out a project abroad? Or do you want to convince possible customers of the potential of your technology? Then you can apply for the subsidy scheme for demonstration projects, feasibility studies and investment preparation projects (DHI). 

Development Related Infrastructure Investment Vehicle - DRIVE

Are you an entrepreneur who wants to contribute to the construction of public infrastructure in a developing country? Whether you need support for a project concerning food security, clean water, sexual and reproductive health and rights or the climate, you may be eligible for a subsidy or guarantee from the DRIVE programme.

Ukraine Partnership Facility – UPF

As a result of the Russian invasion, Ukraine needs a great deal of support. Often, it is not possible to finance reconstruction projects via the commercial sector. To provide support, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs has established UPF. This programme supports damage repair and reconstruction projects for the public and private sectors. UPF aims to help the sustainable recovery of Ukraine's economy and society in the water, healthcare and agricultural sectors. Where possible, projects should improve the position of vulnerable groups such as women and young people.

Impact Clusters - IC

The Impact Clusters (IC) subsidy is for entrepreneurs based in the Netherlands who want to start a project in a developing countries and fragile states with other companies and at least one local partner. These companies want to invest in the sustainable development of specific sectors in a country because they see commercial opportunities for themselves. For example, to sell more products in a country in the future or to establish operations there.

Private Sector Development - PSD

the Netherlands supports private sector development (PSD) worldwide. PSD focuses on local SMEs, the business environment and fair value chains. For this, we cooperate closely with companies and organisations from the Netherlands and abroad. PSD is essential for SMEs to grow sustainably. Through knowledge sharing, funding and innovations, we strengthen local initiatives. Through PSD programmes, we connect partners, projects and policy goals.

Reach out and connect

The Dutch government encourages Dutch companies who want to do business with Ukraine. Investing in and collaborating with Ukrainian companies is important, in order to facilitate this for the Dutch companies 3 platform have been established at the initiative of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In addition, the European Commission has also established a platform for transport and logistics.

Ukraine – Netherlands Public-Private Health Care Recovery Platform 

Ukraine Water Public-Private-Partnership Platform

->Ukraine Agriculture and food security platform

Ukraine Agriculture and Food Security Platform
Ukraine Agriculture and Food Security Platform Linkedin Page

Ukraine Agriculture and food security platform

The platform 'Agriculture and Food Security Ukraine' helps Dutch parties to collaborate successfully in their efforts to help Ukraine. A lot of attention is paid to cooperation between the government, companies and other private parties (public-private partnerships), which help the agri-food sector in Ukraine to recover quickly. The platform: provides companies, NGOs, knowledge institutions and other players who want to work in Ukraine with the information they need; tailors initiatives to Ukraine's needs; enables networking and matchmaking.

The Ukraine Agriculture and Food Security Platform aims to find synergy in Dutch efforts to help Ukraine, with a particular focus on exploring potential public-private partnerships that can contribute to the early recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine's agriculture sector.

To facilitate communication and collaboration among platform members, there is a private LinkedIn page to share the latest news updates and provide networking opportunities. This page is only open to platform members.

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