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  1. Brazil: working on transparency with WUR in the Amazon

    The LNV network in Brazil promotes sustainable agricultural practices. One of these practices is ‘fruition of the forest’ and ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-11-2023 | 13:20

  2. Thai – Dutch Space Technology Forum 2023 Opens Up Another Agri Frontiers (EP.1)

    Over 140  geoinformatics scientists from universities, business communities, R&D institutes, and governmental agencies across the ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-11-2023 | 11:36

  3. Worm megafarm in Spain

    The world's largest mealworm plant for human and animal consumption will open in Salamanca, in 2024, with an investment of 100 ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-11-2023 | 10:00

  4. In Hungary nature conservation goes hand in hand with sustainable farming

    Farmers in Hungary's Kiskunság National Park, where nature preservation and sustainable farming converge. serve as landscape ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-11-2023 | 08:30

  5. Brazilië weet tot op 10 m2 wat er op het land gebeurt!

    Tussen 1985 en 2022 ging het percentage natuurlijke vegetatie in Brazilië van 75% naar 64%. Voor toekomstige ontwikkeling is het ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 22-11-2023 | 13:00

  6. A large Dutch horticulture delegation is about to go to China, heralding a more close cooperation between The Netherlands and China

    From November 26th to November 30th a Horticulture Trade Mission to China will take place. A total of 19 Dutch companies and ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 22-11-2023 | 04:57

  7. Transition towards sustainable shallot value chains in the Mekong Delta

    Maybe unknown to many but shallot is one of the key vegetable crops in the Mekong Delta,  generating one of the highest income ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 21-11-2023 | 11:32

  8. Ontdek de kansen voor bedekte teelt in Bangladesh

    De overheid van Bangladesh heeft de laatste jaren veel gedaan om buitenlandse investeringen te stimuleren. Bangladesh produceert ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 21-11-2023 | 10:30

  9. Germany is promoting peatland restoration as part of national climate strategy

    Bringing stakeholders together for new value chains is crucial in peatland conservation. Germany's ambitious peatland restoration ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 21-11-2023 | 08:30

  10. Frankrijk: tuinbouwbeurs SIVAL 2024 belooft nu al een succes te worden

    De belangrijkste beurs in Frankrijk op het gebied van plantaardige productie, de welbekende vakbeurs SIVAL, belooft in januari ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 20-11-2023 | 11:05