Invitation to take part in survey "Novel crops Ukraine"
The survey is to study the collaboration between the Netherlands and Ukraine in the area of field crops. To investigate for what crops and chains a collaboration could be of added value, and how demand, supply and possibilities in Ukraine can be best matched with expertise and potentially demand from the Netherlands.

In cooperation with the Office of the agricultural Counsellor in Kyiv, Schuttelaar & Partners and Agri & Food Support Altena B.V. are conducting an incentivization for collaboration between the Netherlands and Ukraine in the area of field crops. They are investigating for what crops and chains a collaboration could be of added value, and how demand, supply and possibilities in Ukraine can be best matched with expertise and potentially demand from the Netherlands.
Think about fibre crops, oil crops, protein crops, fresh and processed vegetables. To gather information, they have prepared a questionnaire for experienced professionals active in Ukraine. This in invitation to complete this survey to collect information on the opportunities, challenges, and possibilities within Ukrainian agriculture. The answers will be incorporated into a report that will be made available digitally and shared with participants in due course (likely in June).
The survey consists of three sections: it will first address cultivation, followed by aspects of the supply chain, and finally a section on partnerships and integration within chains. Participants are kindly asked to answer all the sub-questions that they are able to, even if they are not their primary area of focus.
For conducting the questionnaire, please use this link.