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  1. Handelsmissie toekomstbestendige tuinbouw naar Peru & Chili

    Bent u actief in de tuinbouwsector, of in uitgangsmaterialen? En bent u benieuwd naar zakelijke kansen in Peru en in Chili? Meld ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 02-07-2024 | 20:32

  2. Agricultural newsletter of Central Asia June 2024

    In this edition we're taking you on a journey through the latest and greatest in agriculture from the Central Asian gem, ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 02-07-2024 | 11:38

  3. The Polish chain of small Żabka stores is changing its retail concept

    For a long time, Żabka stores were opened primarily in large housing estates in cities. However, the company informs that its ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 02-07-2024 | 08:25

  4. Meet Dmytro Kyryliuk, agricultural advisor in Ukraine

    Agricultural Advisor in Ukraine Dmytro Kyryliuk

    Nieuwsbericht | 01-07-2024 | 17:13

  5. Aeres Group will help South Korea to make an international high-tech agricultural school

    From 29 till 31 June, a delegation from Aeres Group, led by Mr. Bastiaan Pellikaan, chairman of the Aeres Group, visited South ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 01-07-2024 | 09:40

  6. Demo soil improvement techniques Poland

    DemoDays with Dutch agribusiness companies took place on June 19 in fields near Slupsk. The event accompanied the 30th ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 01-07-2024 | 08:16

  7. Frankrijk: SIAL-beurs voor innovatie in de levensmiddelensector, van 19 tot 23 oktober in Parijs

    De SIAL-beurs voor innovatie in de levensmiddelensector, zal plaatsvinden van 19 tot 23 oktober 2024 in Parijs Al ruim 60 jaar ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 28-06-2024 | 15:55

  8. Agricultural education in Kazakhstan

    Kazakhstan's agricultural sector, especially horticulture, has progressed due to investments and modern technology, particularly ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 28-06-2024 | 09:00

  9. NL Paviljoens gepland op de grootste veehouderijbeurs in Ethiopië

    Van 31 oktober tot en met 2 november 2024 wordt in Addis Abeba de Africa Livestock Exhibition & Congress (ALEC) gehouden. ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 27-06-2024 | 17:36

  10. Brazilië, Ambassade bezoekt inheemse volkeren in het Amazonegebied

    Ramon Gerrits van ons LNV team reisde onlangs met Ambassadeur André Driessen en Tweede Secretaris voor Mensenrechten Burak Çevik ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 27-06-2024 | 13:23