Nieuws - Spanje

512 nieuwsberichten over Spanje

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  1. Spanje: Suikeroverschot belandt tegen zeer lage prijzen in de zuidelijke landen

    Italië, Spanje en Kroatië zijn de belangrijkste bestemmingen van de suikeroverschotten die afkomstig zijn van de grote ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 19-06-2018 | 12:00

  2. Spain: Heavier US tariffs on Spanish black olives

    Following a petition from Californian olive growers, the US Department of Commerce (DOC) has just adopted its final decision ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 14-06-2018 | 12:00

  3. Spain: Desalinated water to irrigate Almería greenhouses

    Differences in agronomic and economic productivity of tomato, watermelon, pepper and zucchini were analyzed, according to the use ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 12-06-2018 | 12:00

  4. Spanje: voedselverspilling in Spanje gaat gepaard met 130 liter water per persoon per dag

    De watervoetafdruk van Spanjaarden die gekoppeld is aan voedselverspilling staat gelijk aan meer dan 130 liter water per persoon ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 07-06-2018 | 12:00

  5. Spain and other 5 MS, against CAP cuts

    On May 31, France, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Finland and Spain have agreed on  a common position to demand the EC that the CAP ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 04-06-2018 | 12:00

  6. US changes Spanish olives for those from Morocco, Egypt and Turkey

    In the first quarter of this year, the export of black table olives from Spain to the US has fallen by 42.4% compared to the same ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 31-05-2018 | 12:00

  7. Tritordeum, the “made in Spain” cereal, for sale in Albert Heijn

    The first and only cereal created without genetic modification and developed in Spain is already present in 8 countries and ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 29-05-2018 | 12:00

  8. Spain: Urban orchards can improve citizens’ health

    Urban orchards proliferate more and more. Generally conceived as more of a leisure activity than food production, these green ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 24-05-2018 | 12:00

  9. China buys the 3rd largest Argentine fishing company to its Spanish owner

    Amasua has sold its Argentine subsidiary, Arbumasa, to the Chinese group Dalian Huafeng for €48 million.

    Nieuwsbericht | 22-05-2018 | 12:00

  10. Spain, 2nd sheep cheese producer in Europe

    With more than 2 million dairy sheep, in 2017, Spain allocated 510 million liters of milk to cheese making, which made it the ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 17-05-2018 | 12:00