Nieuws - Spanje

511 nieuwsberichten over Spanje

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  1. Spain: Agriculture and its seasonal workers, the new victims of COVID-19 rebound

    Elderly homes, imported cases, hospitals and farms are the scenes of the pandemic’s resurgence in Spain, two weeks after ending ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 07-07-2020 | 15:00

  2. Spain is clinging to China to push its agri-food exports

    Spanish agri-food exports are increasingly looking to China to keep their business afloat, even in times of crisis, after the ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 02-07-2020 | 12:00

  3. Spain: Exporters report the collapse of several ports by the COVID-19

    The lack of ships delays the shipment of certain goods and increases the price by 60%. Cargo port traffic has fallen from 46.45 ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 30-06-2020 | 12:00

  4. Demonstratieboerderij La Junquera: praktijkvoorbeeld van regeneratieve landbouw in Spanje

    Volgens onderzoek van de Europese Commissie is 30% van de semi-aride gebieden in Zuid-Europa aangetast door woestijnvorming. ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 25-06-2020 | 12:18

  5. New water footprint certification for agricultural production in Spain

    The H3+ certificate guarantees that the grower is performing an excellent management of the crop's irrigation needs. Growers ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-06-2020 | 12:00

  6. Radio-uitzending Jungle Talks 2 Spain: Spanje als tuinbouwland

    Op donderdag 4 juni stond de tuinbouwsector in Spanje anderhalf uur centraal tijdens de 3e aflevering van het ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 19-06-2020 | 15:50

  7. Spain: The food and beverage industry has a plan to revive the sector after lockdown

    “As the country’s leading industrial sector, part of the solution to the crisis generated by the pandemic is to boost our ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 18-06-2020 | 14:00

  8. Spain: Winter grain harvest, 50% more than in 2019

    Early estimates for autumn-winter cereal production point to near 23 million tons, an increase of more than 50% over last year. ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 16-06-2020 | 12:00

  9. Spain: Biogas production from draught beer spoiled during lockdown

    The Spanish brewery Damm is removing the beer barrels from its horeca customers, opened before the confinement, and dumping them ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 11-06-2020 | 12:00

  10. “Spanje Circulair 2030”: strategie voor o.a. verminderen voedselverspilling en efficiënt gebruik van reststromen en water

    De Spaanse Raad van Ministers heeft dinsdag 2 juni de Spaanse Strategie voor Circulaire Economie (SSCE), ook wel bekend als ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 04-06-2020 | 10:00