Documenten - Oekraïne

211 documenten over Oekraïne

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  1. Ukrane: COVID 19 measures

    The Embassy in Kyiv will continue to work as we do now, from home, until at least 14 June 2020. The Ministry of Infrastructure of ...

    Publicatie | 16-03-2020

  2. Food economic report 2019 of the Netherlands

    Rapport | 27-02-2020

  3. Dutch-Ukrainain Agro IT Forum

    February 18, 2020 the Dutch-Ukrainian AGRO-IT Forum was held as a part of the International Exhibition "AgroSpring 2020".

    Publicatie | 18-02-2020

  4. Be responsible - respect the nature

    Жити в гармонії з природою та собою. Жити так, щоб не залишати після себе гори сміття. Бути відповідальним перед природою та ...

    Publicatie | 17-02-2020

  5. Circular Agriculture - Кругове сільське господарство

    Publicatie | 06-02-2020

  6. NL Pavilion at AgroSpring2020

    NL Pavilion at AgroSpring 2020, Kyiv, Ukraine Павільйон Нідерландів на виставці АгроВесна 2020, Київ, Україна 18-20.02.2020 12 ...

    Publicatie | 27-01-2020

  7. WUR Study: Transition to sustainable food systems

    This study was carried out by Wageningen Economic Research and was commissioned and financed by the Dutch Ministry of ...

    Publicatie | 24-01-2020

  8. New NL Branding

    “The Netherlands aims to be known for co-creating pioneering solutions to global challenges.”

    Publicatie | 01-01-2020

  9. GrowInUkraine2019

    Information on TOP Ukrainian agro sectors

    Publicatie | 01-01-2020

  10. Ukrainian agribusiness report 2018-2019

    Publicatie | 01-01-2020