Nieuws - Mexico

224 nieuwsberichten over Mexico

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  1. Mexican authorities and retailers commit to protect ornamental plant breeders rights

    In a new agreement signed between the Mexican Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development and Mexico’s national retail ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 22-07-2022 | 21:37

  2. Mexico: New fertilizer plants, more fertilizer handouts and duty-free fertilizer imports

    New fertilizer plants, more fertilizer handouts and duty-free fertilizer imports: These are some of the measures the Mexican ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 20-07-2022 | 17:25

  3. Mexicaanse zachtfruitsector blijft groeien

    De Mexicaanse zachtfruitsector heeft de afgelopen tien jaar een opvallende groei doorgemaakt. Er is sprake van een ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 20-07-2022 | 16:30

  4. Water issues in Mexican agriculture: Focus of the agri-track in upcoming water mission

    The Netherlands Embassy in Mexico and The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) are organizing a water mission to Mexico from 5 to ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 17-06-2022 | 00:13

  5. Handelsmissie water Mexico: aandacht voor alle waterthema's

    Bent u actief in de watersector? En bent u nieuwsgierig naar de marktmogelijkheden in Mexico? Neem dan van 5 tot en met 9 ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 16-06-2022 | 14:22

  6. Child labour in Mexican agriculture subject to pressures from USMCA and Mexican employers

    Some 589.300 minors were working in Mexico’s agricultural sector in 2019 and this number is likely to have increased during the ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 13-06-2022 | 22:03

  7. Mexico’s protected horticulture association (AMHPAC) holds XIV Annual Congress end of August

    Each year AMHPAC’s Annual Congress is a very important event for everyone that is active in the Mexican protected horticulture ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 08-06-2022 | 16:45

  8. Tweede editie GreenTech Americas in Mexico een groot succes

    Van woensdag 27 tot en met vrijdag 29 april vond de tweede editie van de GreenTech Americas plaats in het congres centrum van ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 07-06-2022 | 16:12

  9. Mexico increased its chicken production by almost 20% over the last five years

    Article translated and adapted from

    Nieuwsbericht | 27-05-2022 | 18:07

  10. Droughts in Northern Mexico could cause € 590 million of agricultural losses

    60% of the municipalities in Northern Mexico are currently suffering severe to exceptional droughts, leading to losses in ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 25-05-2022 | 02:36