Documenten - Ghana

9 documenten over Ghana

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  1. Assessment of Farmer Organizations in Ghana's Horticulture Sector

    Despite the critical role that farmer organizations can play in enhancing the productivity, market access, and overall ...

    Rapport | 03-12-2024

  2. Profitability and Environmental Sustainability of Cocoa Farming Models in Ghana

    Publicatie | 08-04-2024

  3. NUS Community Seed Bank-Ghana

    Following our publication on Roles, Trends and Challenges of Neglected and Underutilized Species in Ghana , the agricultural team ...

    Verslag | 05-07-2023

  4. President Nana Akufo-Addo Visits The Netherlands

    On 6 September 2022, Ghanaian president Akufo-Addo paid a successful bilateral working visit to the Netherlands at the invitation ...

    Nieuwsbrief | 13-12-2022

  5. Agri West Africa Newsletter - June 2021

    Nieuwsbrief | 28-07-2021

  6. Newsletter Agrifood West Africa - March 2021

    Publicatie | 01-04-2021

  7. Projects in The Spotlight

    Verslag | 01-03-2021

  8. Kansenkaarten Ghana Pluimvee

    Brief | 13-10-2020

  9. Newsletter Agrifood West Africa

    Nieuwsbrief | 25-01-2019