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Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland week 20, 2024

Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland is de wekelijkse nieuwsbrief van het LNV Attaché Netwerk. U wordt iedere week geattendeerd op nieuws, activiteiten en achtergrondinformatie van onze LAN teams die werkzaam zijn op de economische clusters van 62 Nederlandse ambassades en/of consulaten en van daaruit 77 landen bedienen. Ook zijn ze vertegenwoordigers voor Nederland bij internationale organisaties: EU in Brussel, FAO/WFP/IFAD in Rome en OESO in Parijs. Via de link onderaan kunt u collega's attenderen om zich ook te abonneren.

- Working at the PermRep to the EU: engaging in dialogue

Carla Boonstra is Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality (LNV) counselor at the Permanent Representation of the Netherlands (PermRep) to the European Union (EU). In plain English, that means that she talks to other Member States, the European Commission, and other important actors to ensure that Dutch positions in the field of agriculture are well represented. In this Agrospecial, she elaborates on her work. ‘The major challenge is to engage in dialogue if you do not agree and try to understand the rationale behind someone's position.’

Working at the PermRep to the EU: engaging in dialogue

f.l.t.r. Guido Landheer Director of European, International and Agro-Economic Policy at the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and Carla Boonstra, Agricultural Counsellor for EU

EUROPE - Bulgaria: mission Sofia and UNICEF organized Youth & Climate consultations

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and UNICEF Bulgaria organized a youth discussion on the environment and climate change. 25 young people presented their views and solutions for a better, greener future ahead of Earth Day.

Mission Sofia and UNICEF organized Youth & Climate consultations


- Poland: frosts will affect the amount of fruit in the coming season

In Western Poland, blueberry, strawberry, mini kiwi and cherry plantations suffered the most from the frots. It destroyed between 20 to even 100 percent of crops in Greater Poland. In the Lublin region (Eastern Poland), fruit growers found that April frosts reaching -11 degrees Celsius damaged buds, flowers and fruit buds of most fruit trees and shrubs. Cherries endured the worst, although there will be very few currants and gooseberries.

Frosts in Poland will affect the amount of fruit in the coming season

frozen branch with visable apple blossoms during a sunny day
Beeld: ©Adobe Stock

- Türkiye: entering the soft fruit market

In 2023, a Dutch soft fruit business consortium together the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and the Netherlands Embassy in Ankara, Türkiye, launched a three-year project to develop business ties between the Netherlands and Türkiye in the field of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.

Entering the Soft Fruit market in Türkiye: Holland House of Fruits


- Ukraine: online discussion agriculture and the European Green Deal

The online discussion will explore the challenge of the European Green Deal for agriculture and Ukraine. Is innovation the way forward to retain competitiveness while protecting the environment? The speakers will discuss this question by comparing European and Ukrainian experiences.

Online discussion: Ukrainian Agriculture and the European Green Deal

Ucab discussion 21.05.24

AFRICA - Ethiopia: unlocking the potential of biological control in agriculture

At the end of 2023, the Agricultural Team of the Netherlands Embassy commissioned a comprehensive report on the utilization and future prospects of biological control in Ethiopia. The report sheds light on the current state of biological control practices in the country and identify opportunities for its further development.

Unlocking the potential of biological control in Ethiopian agriculture

- Kenya: fostering a sustainable and future-proof feed value chain

On March 21, key players in the Kenyan animal feed industry convened in Nairobi for a groundbreaking roundtable discussion. This event brought together 108 sector participants to explore strategies for building a better and more sustainable feed supply chain.

Fostering a sustainable and future-proof feed value chain in Kenya

- Kenya: second newsletter edition 2024

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Nairobi is delighted to present to you the second edition of their newsletter in 2024. Their editorial team is excited to provide you with the latest business updates from Kenya.

Second newsletter edition 2024 from Kenya

Kenya Newsletter image

- South Africa: Bloated fears around land expropriation in South Africa as country passes new bill

On March 19, South Africa’s National Council of Provinces passed the long anticipated Land Expropriation Bill. Although there has been much hype around the bill and fears over land ownership security, legal experts allay many of these fears.

Bloated fears around land expropriation in South Africa as country passes new bill

A landscape picture with a grass lawn in the foreground followed by a vineyard, fields and a distant mountain in the background.
Beeld: ©Netherlands Embassy / William Bowden

- Tanzania: celebrating decades of decorated ties

King's Day celebrates the Netherlands' ties with Tanzania, highlighting environmental initiatives like cycling for recycling. The bilateral relationship spans economic development, democracy, media freedom, gender equality, climate change, and agriculture. Dutch support includes youth empowerment, media partnerships, GBV prevention, climate action, agricultural innovation, and economic collaboration for sustainable growth and startup development.

Celebrating decades of the Netherlands and Tanzania’s decorated ties

King's Day Reception Dar es Salaam - group picture

ASIA - Central Asia: an emerging economic region

Central Asia is rapidly asserting itself as a significant economic force. Comprising of five post-Soviet states — Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan — this region boasts abundant natural resources, a strategic geographic position, and a rich cultural tapestry. With a collective populace of around 75 million individuals, Central Asia is experiencing a surge in economic activity, garnering global attention along the way.

Central Asia as an emerging economic region

- India: innovatiemissie oplossingen voor voedselverlies en -verspilling

Werkt u als ondernemer of onderzoeker aan innovatieve oplossingen om voedselverlies en -verspilling tegen te gaan? Wilt u samen met partners in India aan innovatie en productontwikkeling (R&D) werken om verliezen tegen te gaan en ketens efficiënter te maken? Ga dan mee met de kennis- en technologie-innovatiemissie naar Bangalore en Mumbai van maandag 9 tot en met vrijdag 13 september 2024.

Innovatiemissie naar India: oplossingen voor voedselverlies en -verspilling

Innovatiemissie naar India: Oplossingen voor Voedselverlies en -verspilling

- Thailand: invitation to Thai - Dutch session in Horti Asia 2024

If you are interested in innovative & sustainable horticulture, join the "Thai-Dutch Session in Horti Asia 2024" in Bangkok on May 22. The international key players in horticulture and agriculture from the Netherlands and Thailand are joining forces to share their expertise on "Innovative & Sustainable Horticulture: A Thai-Dutch Inspiration in a Global Context.”

Invitation to Thai - Dutch Session in Horti Asia 2024 in Bangkok

Beeld: ©LNV Bangkok

- Thailand: NL alumni share Dutch expertise at Fruit Innovation Fair 2024 in Chanthaburi

Chanthaburi Province is one of the key tropical fruit production areas of Thailand. The recent “Fruit Innovation Fair 2024” or FiF 2024, organized by the Chanthaburi Provincial Chamber of Commerce together with the Netherlands Embassy, jointly held “The Netherlands – Chanthaburi Special Session; The World of Horticulture Innovation & Lessons Learned from the Netherlands.” The special session welcomed two Netherlands Alumni and the Dutch Agricultural Counsellor to share their expertise and underline the necessity of collaboration among tropical fruit stakeholders to ensure that fruits are produced innovatively and sustainably.

NL Alumni in Thailand Share Dutch Expertise at Fruit Innovation Fair 2024 in Chanthaburi

Beeld: ©Chantachitpreecha, KS / EKN

- Thailand: sustainable urban delta briefing call for a collaboration

With 60 Thai & international experts from agri-food, socio-economic, urban & city planning on board, a call for collaborative efforts for bringing sustainable food production back or closer to the city is highlighted at “Thai – Dutch Sustainable Urban Delta Briefing 2024: Viable Sustainable Urban Food Ecosystem” in Bangkok.

Thai – Dutch Sustainable Urban Delta Briefing call for a collaboration

Beeld: ©Chantachitpreecha, KS / EKN


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