Thai – Dutch Sustainable Urban Delta Briefing call for a collaboration
With 60 Thai & international experts from agri-food, socio-economic, urban & city planning on board, a call for collaborative efforts for bringing sustainable food production back or closer to the city is highlighted at “Thai – Dutch Sustainable Urban Delta Briefing 2024: Viable Sustainable Urban Food Ecosystem” in Bangkok.
Many of the big challenges the world is facing today are interconnected. For example, our food systems have an effect on climate change, biodiversity, and the well-being of people. Solving these challenges together requires collaborative efforts with an integral approach by the relevant stakeholders from city government, entrepreneurs, businesses, academia, farmers, consumers, and communities. Bringing food production back (or closer) to cities is one of the possibilities to decrease the negative impact of our food production and to offer citizens fresh and healthy food. Practical solutions and initiatives from stakeholders are required for this, with a focus on agricultural production on land close to (green belts) or in cities (e.g., indoor farming). City dwellers are demanding healthy and fresh food produced with less negative impact on their living environment.
“Thai – Dutch Sustainable Urban Delta Briefing 2024; Viable Sustainable Urban Food Ecosystem” is organized by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in collaboration with The Sustainable Urban Delta Foundation and Priva the Netherlands. The Briefing is kicking off “Orange Green Day” and the 420th Anniversary of Thai – Dutch Diplomatic Relationship in 2024.
After the inspiring welcome remarks by H.E. Mr. Remco van Wijngaarden, The Netherlands Ambassador, 6 guest speakers share their valuable expertise to embrace the sustainable urban agri-food ecosystem with the invitees.
- “City of Bangkok and The Ambition On Sustainable Urban Food City”
By Mr. Pornphrom Vikitsreth
Adviser to the Governor of Bangkok / Chief Sustainability Officer
Bangkok Metropolitan Administration
- “Viable Sustainable Urban Food Ecosystem; Inspire & Empower for Healthy City”
By Ms. Meiny Prins
Founder of the Sustainable Urban Delta Foundation & CEO Priva the Netherlands
- “The Vision for Sustainable Urban Agri-Food System of Thailand”
Dr. Vanida Khumnirdpetch
Director – Bureau of Foreign Agricultural Affairs
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand
- “Low Carbon City; Connecting International Carbon Finance Market”
Ms. Kwanpadh Suddhi-Dhamakit
Senior Country Officer, The World Bank
- “Urbanization & Climate Change; Towards Livable City”
Prof. Dr. Bharat Dahiya
Director – Research Center for Sustainable Development and Innovation
Thammasat University
- “Vegetable Breeding; Art & Science for Healthy Diet & Planet”
Dr. Kanokwan Chidchoey
Group – Head, Public Affairs
East – West Seed International Ltd.
For more information
The presentations of some guest speakers are available to be shared.
Please send us your inquiry via: BAN-LNV@MINBUZA.NL
You are invited ! “Thai – Dutch Session in Horti Asia 2024” this May 22nd, 2024
You are invited to join “Thai – Dutch Session in Horti Asia 2024” this May 22nd, 2024 (14:00 – 16:00 hr.) at BITEC, Bangkok where Priva the Netherlands is one of the speaker.
Register now (FREE):