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Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland week 24, 2024

Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland is de wekelijkse nieuwsbrief van het LNV Attaché Netwerk. U wordt iedere week geattendeerd op nieuws, activiteiten en achtergrondinformatie van onze LAN teams die werkzaam zijn op de economische clusters van 62 Nederlandse ambassades en/of consulaten en van daaruit 77 landen bedienen. Ook zijn ze vertegenwoordigers voor Nederland bij internationale organisaties: EU in Brussel, FAO/WFP/IFAD in Rome en OESO in Parijs. Via de link onderaan kunt u collega's attenderen om zich ook te abonneren.

- STDF brings partners to WTO to jointly support developing countries in meeting international (phyto)sanitary standards

The Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) is a WTO partnership and trust fund that helps developing countries to boost food safety and animal and plant health and maintain market access. Over the years, it has supported over 250 projects in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean. ‘Dutch companies can assist developing countries in assembling applications by providing specific knowledge or expertise,’ says head of STDF Melvin Spreij. ‘And organizations like the Centre for Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI) or Dutch capacity building programs can play a role in leveraging more resources for good project and replicating and scaling up approaches that work.’

STDF brings partners to WTO to jointly support developing countries in meeting international (phyto)sanitary standards

The STDF support developing countries in meeting international sanitary and phytosanitary standards, enabling them to access foreign markets
Beeld: ©Shutterstock

- Terugblik LNV Attaché Netwerk evenement 2024

Op 6 juni vond het LNV Attaché Netwerk evenement plaats bij Fort bij Vechten in Bunnik. De bijeenkomst was georganiseerd door het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV). Het aantal aanmeldingen liep boven verwachting en de opkomst was dan ook hoog. Op deze prachtige zonnige middag kwamen meer dan 450 gasten af. Het gaf de LNV-raden en LNV-attachés de kans om bij te praten of kennis te maken met Nederlandse bedrijven, kennisinstellingen, belangenorganisaties en andere stakeholders in het internationale domein van landbouw, natuur en voedsel. We kijken terug op een geslaagde bijeenkomst.

Terugblik LNV Attaché Netwerk evenement 2024

Tent met mensen bij het evenement

EUROPE - Frankrijk: kassenproject SERRES+ wil afhankelijkheid van fossiele brandstof verminderen

Met het project SERRES+ probeert de Franse tuinbouwsector in West-Frankrijk de afhankelijkheid van fossiele brandstoffen te verminderen. Negen onderzoeksteams werken aan dit project, dat begon in 2020 en eind 2024 te einde loopt. Zij doen dat onder leiding van kennis en innovatiecluster Vegepolys Valley, dat financieel wordt ondersteund door de Franse regio's Pays de la Loire en Bretagne. Wetenschappelijke coördinatie is in handen van de Franse wetenschappelijke instelling Institut Agro Rennes-Angers. Men richt zich vooral op energie, ventilatie en architectuur.

Frankrijk : kassenproject SERRES+ wil afhankelijkheid van fossiele brandstof verminderen

- Hungary: hot summer starts with early cherry harvest

Good cherry yield expected; dairy and margarine producers clash in advertisement scandal; maize farming further declines; macro overview of annual food & dairy trends; warm weather affects protected nature phenomenon. Read more in this weekly briefing on agriculture, food and nature news in Hungary.

Hungary: Hot summer starts with early cherry harvest

Close-up picture of red cherries in a glass bowl
Beeld: ©Zoltán Szászi

- Italië: duurzame ontwikkeling van het platteland en verdienmodel voor de boer

Van 16 t/m 18 mei vond in Bolzano, Italië, voor de tweede maal het World Congress on Agritourism (WCAT) plaats. Het betreft een internationaal platform waar onderzoekers, uitvoerders, bedrijven, sectororganisaties, overheden en andere relevante spelers bij elkaar komen. Doel van de bijeenkomst is het bespreken van de stand van zaken in de agrotoerisme-sector, de uitdagingen, kansen en beperkingen als ook toekomstige ontwikkelingen van deze vorm van toerisme in rurale gebieden wereldwijd.

Agrotoerisme in Italië: duurzame ontwikkeling van het platteland en verdienmodel voor de boer

Beeld: ©NBTC

- Poland: how did farmers vote in EP elections?

In the European elections, 61,9% of farmers voted for Law and Justice  - show the results of the Ipsos late poll. This is less than in 2019, when Jarosław Kaczyński's party won over 70%. Farmers have been protesting against the introduction of the Green Deal since the beginning of the year. And the law was agreed by the previous government formed by the Law and Justice party.

EP elections in Poland: how did farmers vote?

flags of Poland and European Union hanging on the wall of a builiding
Beeld: ©Unsplash / Stephanie Klepacki

- Poland: how much do farmer protests cost?

The March farmers' protests resulted in road blockades in over 500 locations in various parts of the country. DSV - Global Transport and Logistics experts point to the related losses of the logistics industry. They were caused by delays, unfulfilled deliveries and the need to renew them, as well as handling stockpiles accumulated due to the accumulation of inventory.

Poland: How much do farmer protests cost?


- Romania: law on fisheries was published

On 3rd of June the law on fishing and the protection of living aquatic resources in Romania came into force. The law establishes the legal framework regarding the fishing activity from the perspective of protection, conservation, repopulation, administration and exploitation of living aquatic resources from natural aquatic habitats, as well as the marketing of the products obtained from fishing when this activity is carried out. This, in the territory of Romania and in the waters under the national jurisdiction of Romania, by ships under the Romanian flag or under the flag of other states.

Law on fisheries in Romania was published

person fishing

- Serbia: farmers using soil restoration techniques

New seed production investment; a census of white storks; soil restoration; food price rise; Carrefour coming to Serbia. Read more in this weekly briefing on agriculture, food and nature news in Serbia.

Serbia: Farmers using soil restoration techniques

A man wearing a wide-brimmed cloth hat kneels on a field, picking up dirt from the ground and explaining things to an audience.
Beeld: ©Mila Mirkovic

- Ukraine: 2nd largest honey supplier to EU

In order to support Ukraine, for two year the quotas and customs duties on UA honey exported to EU have been cancelled. After turbulent 2022 Ukrainian market is slowely recovering.

Ukraine is 2nd largest honey supplier to EU

Beeld: ©N/A

- Ukraine: investment guide - agrifood

The Investment Guide, prepared by the KSE Institute in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, is an informational publication focusing on significant investment opportunities and economic developments in Ukraine. The analysis presented aims to offer insights for investors, experts, and researchers interested in economic policies, reconstruction efforts, and investment activities in Ukraine

TOP Sectors of Ukrainian Economy - AgriFood

Ukraine investment guide by KSE

- Ukraine: key challenges with regard to doing business in 2024

Ukrainian business continues to demonstrate its remarkable resilience despite extremely challenging circumstances. However there remain a few key areas that this survey clearly shows where support is still needed to keep the economy running, attract investments and help fund the war effort.

Key challenges with regard to doing business in Ukraine in 2024

AmCham Wartime Business Survey 2024

- Ukraine: strategy for agriculture and rural development-2030

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine together with the EU and FAO project "Institutional and Political Reform of Small-Scale Agriculture in Ukraine" (IPRSA) presented the Strategy for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas in Ukraine for the period until 2030.

Ukraine: strategy for agriculture and rural development-2030

Stratery for agriculture and rural development of Ukraine

AFRICA - Ghana: on-farm conservation of underutilized root and tuber crops in community seed banking initiatives

Community seed banking initiatives aim to conserve, restore, revitalize, strengthen, and improve local seed systems, particularly local varieties. These initiatives foster dynamic cooperation among farmers and between farmers and other stakeholders in the conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity. In Ghana, the Community Seed Banking concept is being piloted for the first time.

Ghana: On-Farm Conservation of Underutilized Root and Tuber Crops in Community Seed Banking Scheme Farmer Training

- Kenya: going back in time to the flower council

In the spirit of 60 years of bilateral relations between Kenya and the Netherlands, we are going back in time to explore the history of our strong ties. Kenya Flower Council (KFC) was formed in 1996 by Kenyan growers and exporters of cut-flowers. 2024 is their 28th year of presence in the country. We asked Mr. Clement Tulezi, CEO of KFC, some questions.

Going Back in Time: Kenya Flower Council

Beeld: ©Kenya Flower Council

AMERICAS - Brazilië: kansenseminar behoefte aan Nederlandse hulp bij waterbeheer

Rio Grande do Sul, een deelstaat van Brazilië, kampt met rampzalige overstromingen door hevige regenval. Nederlandse bedrijven kunnen met hun waterbeheerexpertise Brazilië helpen. Bent u actief in irrigatie of drainage binnen de watersector of landbouw? Meld u dan aan voor dit seminar op 14 juni van 14:30 - 18:00 in Wageningen.

Kansenseminar: behoefte aan Nederlandse hulp bij waterbeheer Brazilië

Rio Grande do Sul

- Chili & Peru: handelsmissie toekomstbestendige tuinbouw

Bent u actief in de tuinbouwsector, of in uitgangsmaterialen? En bent u benieuwd naar zakelijke kansen in Peru en in Chili? Meld u dan uiterlijk 1 september aan voor de handelsmissie voor toekomstbestendige tuinbouw naar Peru en Chili van 20 - 25 oktober.

Handelsmissie toekomstbestendige tuinbouw naar Peru & Chili

tuinbouw foto

ASIA - Japan: resilient crops take center stage in agricultural policy dialogue

On May 24, the 2nd subcommittee meeting of the 4th Japan-Netherlands dialogue on agricultural cooperation was held online. This time, the dialogue focused on the development of resilient crops in both countries. In addition to an exchange on policy development, participants shared information on various research projects tackling resilience from the angles of breeding technologies and the interaction between plants and micro-organisms. Multiple themes of common interest and potential for collaboration between Japan and the Netherlands were noted.

Resilient crops take center stage in agricultural policy dialogue with Japan

0524 Seedling

- Kazakhstan: domestic and international producers shine at InterFood Astana 2024

From May 29 to May 31, Astana hosted the 24th Kazakhstan International Exhibition “Foodstuffs, Drinks, Ingredients, Packaging and Equipment for Food Industry”, known as InterFood Astana 2024. This year's event was celebrated for its comprehensive display of the latest achievements in the food industry, spanning from foodstuffs to state-of-the-art technology and manufacturing equipment.

Domestic and international producers shine at InterFood Astana 2024

Beeld: Pixabay

MIDDLE EAST - Gulf states: a leap forward with Dutch innovation

In its quest for agricultural advancement and food security, Saudi Arabia has made big leaps in the poultry sector. The collaboration with Dutch agrotech expertise has been a catalyst for this transformation, aligning with the ambitious goals of Saudi Vision 2030.

Poultry in KSA: A Leap Forward with Dutch Innovation

Beeld: ©Ismail Adam

- Iran: sterke steun voor moderne glastuinbouw

Iran’s glastuinbouwsector maakt een grote groei door de laatste 10 jaren. Urbanisatie geeft daar een sterke impuls aan, want in Iran’s miljoenensteden neemt de vraag naar een continue bevoorrading van groenten en sierplanten toe, en stijgt de vraag naar kwaliteitsproducten. Maar ook watertekorten, klimaatverandering en het streven naar hogere productiviteit spelen daarbij een belangrijke rol. Het LNV-team op de Nederlandse Ambassade in Teheran heeft daarom opdracht gegeven voor een glastuinbouwsectorstudie “Greenhouse Horticulture Study”.

Sterke steun voor moderne glastuinbouw in Iran

Groepsfoto in glastuinbouw Iran


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