Dutch – Ukrainian Agricultural Cooperation

The Netherlands is a reliable partner for Ukraine providing economic, humanitarian and military support. Both countries play important role in Global Food Security and the bilateral cooperation in agrifood sector has large impact.

Ambassador Alle Dorhout and LVVN Carolien Spaans meeting Minister Koval and the team of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

On 13 November Ambassador of the Netherlands in Ukraine Mr. Alle Dorhout and Agricultural Counsellor Carolien Spaans had a meeting with the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Mr. Vitaliy Koval and his team including Deputy Minister Oksana Osmachko and Deputy Minister Denys Bashlyk.

2024.11.13 - Ambassador Dorhout and Minister Koval
Dutch Ambassador in Ukraine Alle Dorhout and Ukrainian Minister Vitaliy Koval

Vitaliy Koval thanked the Netherlands for support for Ukraine, Ukrainian farmers and for being a reliable partnership in the number one priority for Ukraine -  EU integration. The Minister noted that despite the challenges of the war, Ukraine must carry out structural changes in the agricultural sector in order to ensure a transition towards a future proof agrifood sector.

2024.11.13 - Meeting with Minister Koval
Ambassadot Alle Dorhout and LVVN Carolien Spaans meeting Minster Koval . Photo: Press Service of the Ministry

Among the priorities for the development of Ukrainian agriculture and expanding areas of cooperation in the agricultural sector between the Netherlands and Ukraine Minister Koval mentioned:

  • Food processing and producing products with added value.
  • Horticulture and potato sector.
  • Irrigation and melioration of agricultural land
  • Development of livestock sector as building block for rural development and creation of the jobs.
  • Knowledge and technology transfer in agriculture.
  • Professional training programs for agro professionals and integration of the veterans and internally displaced people.
  • Supporting farmers on the frontline regions.
  • Export and Investment war risks insurance instruments for the Dutch businesses in Ukraine.
  • Opening of new markets for Ukrainian agriproducts and agrologistics and development of the network of agricultural attaches abroad.

Ambassador of the Netherlands to Ukraine Mr Alle Dorhout concluded that agriculture is an important topic, especially on Ukraine's path to the EU. It is very important that the EU is getting ready for Ukraine, just as Ukraine is preparing to join the EU.

The Dutch Ambassador also noted that there are prospects for cooperation with Ukraine in the application of Dutch innovations and technical developments, scientific base in agriculture. This goes especially in the priority sectors that the Netherlands has in Ukraine when it comes to the bilateral cooperation in the agricultural sector, incl dairy, potato, food processing and horticulture & planting materials. In addition, the implementation of EU standards, incl those of animal welfare, has the attention of the Netherlands.

Strategy for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas in Ukraine until 2030

The priority areas specified by the Minster during bilateral meeting are included in the recently adopted  “Agriculture Development Strategy 2030 – a roadmap to the EU”.

The Government has adopted the Strategy for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas in Ukraine until 2030 and approved an operational plan for its implementation in 2025-2027. The decision was made at a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 15th November.

‘’The goal of the Strategy is to prepare the agricultural sector for Ukraine’s accession to the EU. Therefore, it is indeed a document that serves not only as our guiding light but also as a mandatory requirement for a candidate country to join the European Union. It is a roadmap for how we will develop our agriculture,” Vitalii Koval said.

Stratery for agriculture and rural development of Ukraine

In particular, the document provides for the sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. It also creates favourable conditions for the formation of a competitive, sustainable and diversified agricultural sector that ensures long-term food security, enhances environmental protection, including biodiversity, mitigates climate change and strengthens the socio-economic structure of rural areas.

State Support of Agriculture

The state budget of Ukraine for 2025 allocated in total 6 billion UAH (Ukrainian Hryvna) which is approximately 135 million Euro for support of agriculture and food processing.

The main government support money is going to be spent on the following:

  • Development of livestock and agro processing – around 22 million EUR;
  • Subsidy per hectare and for livestock (cows, sheep and goats) – around 107 million EUR
  • Restoration and construction of reclamation systems – around 4.5 million EUR.
  • Interest-free loans for farmers – around 1.8 million EUR
  • Tax compensation for family farmers – around 113 thousand EUR
  • Grants for the development of horticulture and greenhouse farming – around 31 million EUR
  • Demining of agricultural land affected by the hostilities – around 22.6 million EUR

Distribution of government support reflects Ukraine's commitment to modernizing its agricultural sector while addressing immediate challenges such as land restoration and farmer support. That dairy industry became one of the top priorities for the government and will be in focus for development and support in the upcoming years.

Bilateral meeting between Minister Femke Wiersma and Minister Vitaliy Koval in Brussels

Later on 19 November Minister Koval met with the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature of the Netherlands Femke Wiersma and other European colleagues in Brussels.

2024.11.18 - Ministers in Brussels
Ukrainian Minister Koval and Dutch Minister Wiersma in Brussels, Nov 2024. Source: https://minagro.gov.ua/

During the conversation with the Minister of Agriculture of the Netherlands Femke Wiersma, the parties discussed the possible directions of support of the Netherlands for the agrifood sector in Ukraine, including implementation of EU standards.

"Another topic we paid attention to was strengthening cooperation between the StateGeoCadastre of Ukraine and the Netherlands. We have also invited our Dutch colleagues to cooperate in the dairy and potato sectors. We will continue this dialogue with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Ukraine," Minister Koval said.

2024.11.18 - Ministers in Brussels
Dutch Minister Femke Wiersm, Ukrainian MInister Vitaliy Koval, Vsevolod Chentsov Head of the Mission of Ukraine to the EU, Oksana Osmachko Deputy Minister. Source https://minagro.gov.ua/

According to Minister Koval meeting with his EU-colleagues in Brussels is essential.

“Direct communication with the leaders of the agricultural sector of European countries and strengthening of direct horizontal ties is more important than ever," Vitaliy Koval added.


Meeting with Ambassador and LVVN Віталій Коваль обговорив з послом Нідерландів в Україні розширення напрямків співпраці в агросекторі | Міністерство аграрної політики та продовольства України (minagro.gov.ua)


Про схвалення Стратегії розвитку сільського господарства та сільських територій в Україні на період до 2030 року та затвердження операційного плану заходів з її реалізації у 2025—2027 роках | Кабінет Міністрів України (kmu.gov.ua)

Vitalii Koval: Agriculture Development Strategy 2030 – a roadmap to the EU | Ministry (minagro.gov.ua)

Meeting in Brussels

Vitalii Koval discusses Ukraine's European integration with European colleagues | Ministry (minagro.gov.ua)