Russia has suspended the import of Kazakh grain and flour

Russia has suspended the import of Kazakh grain and flour, effectively banning products from Kazakhstan, which may escalate into a trade conflict, as reported by APK News.


According to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, Rosselkhoznadzor (Russian Agricultural Control Authority) appealed to the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan with a request to suspend, from 23 September 2024, the issuance of phytosanitary certificates for grain and grain processing products, sunflower seeds for sowing (originating in third countries), tomatoes and peppers supplied to Russia from Kazakhstan.

The Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance cited the need to protect Russia's domestic agricultural interests and development. Kazakh authorities face a choice between lifting the ban on Russian imports or imposing countermeasures, which could risk further return actions from Russia, potentially impacting trade of coal, oil, and leading to a crisis within the Eurasian Economic Community.

When asked by the APK News agency by a representative of the Grain Union of Kazakhstan what exactly this means for Kazakhstan, Yevgeny Karabanov answered: "This is a possible trade war. Our authorities have two options: either lift the ban on import of Russian wheat, or impose a ban on flour, dairy products, meat products, etc. But, we must take into account that in response there will be a ban on the transit of coal, oil and oil products... In the second case, leaving the Eurasian Economic Community would be a logical position. And the end of the Eurasian Economic Community..." - Do you think this is an official, clear position of the Russian Federation or a cautious warning? "I think this is an official warning that the Russian Federation will very harshly develop its internal interests," E. Karabanov also said.

Kazakh business called the situation the beginning of a cold trade war.

Here you can find the link to original in Russian.