Local organic produce for Bulgarian schools and kindergartens
Purchases of raspberries and blueberries are now eligible for the public School Fruit program, opening substantial market opportunities for berry growers in Bulgaria.

New diet implementations
Bulgarian children in schools and kindergartens will consume more locally produced and organic products after the Council of Ministers amended and supplemented a legislation on the conditions and procedures for implementation of schemes for provision of fruit and vegetables and milk and dairy products in educational institutions.
During the new program period, which starts from the school year 2023/2024, the number of deliveries of organic products should be 9 deliveries out of 50 in total for the entire academic year for both groups of food products, instead of the previous 4 to 6 organic deliveries. It is also envisaged that no less than 26 of the conventionally produced and all organic fruits and vegetables supplied under the schemes will be produced by Bulgarian farmers. The new requirement replaces the previous half of fruit and vegetable supplies to be from farmers, registered in the country.
Expansion of the assortment
Another goal of the changes in the regulation is the expansion of the assortment of products for distribution among children and students. It is planned to include a new type of fruit, as admissible for delivery to educational institutions in the country - raspberries and blueberries in a portion of 0.125 g, no more than 4 deliveries per year in total. The expansion of the assortment contributes to achieving the main goal of both schemes - creating healthy eating habits among children and students.
The inclusion of raspberries and blueberries could be a significant push for berry producers in Bulgaria and contribute to the already fast-growing sector. The additional demand is likely to spur new investments and substantial expansion in the area with the two crops. Some of the best Netherlands suppliers for beery producers – among which BATO, BVB, Fall Creek, Genson, Puijk Group, already noticed the country’s growing potential and joined a Partners for International Business program by the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland – Netherlands Fruit Basket Bulgaria
School fruit and milk schemes
Another legislative amendment gives a possibility for direct purchases of the products from recognized groups and organizations of producers, which is in line with the national policy for cooperation between agricultural producers.
The two schemes are part of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy and changes are in line with the objectives of the CAP to reduce the environmental footprint of human and industrial activity, as well as the objectives and priorities set out in the new programming period for the implementation of the School Fruit Scheme and the School Milk Scheme.
The implementation of the School fruit and School milk schemes is carried out on the basis of a National Strategy, developed in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) No. 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on the establishment of a common organization of the markets of agricultural products and Regulation (EU) No. 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council regarding Union aid for the supply of fruit and vegetables, bananas and milk in educational institutions. A new National Strategy was developed, on the basis of which the two schemes will be implemented throughout the new programing period – from 2023/24 until the 2028/29 academic years.