Ukraine COVID -19 - update on national quarantine
On November 11, 2020 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine updated quarantine regulation that introduces a transition from adaptive to national quarantine, following restrictions that correspond to “orange zone”, as well as “weekend quarantine”.
- Restrictions for weekdays:
- operations of cafes and restaurants providing recreational/leisure activities;
- operations of cafes and restaurants from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM;
- accommodation of customers in public catering facilities at a distance of less than 2 m;
- providing any services to customers without marking for queuing.
- Introducing a “weekend quarantine”, that apply additional prohibition to host visitors by cafes and restaurants, trade facilities, shopping malls for the next three weeks during weekend. This restriction does not apply to the shops, 60% of the trade area of which is intended for trade of food products, fuel, medicines, veterinary medicines and feeds.
Please follow the link to get familiar with full text of respective CMU Resolution #1100 applying new quarantine restrictions.
Also, we would like to inform you that the Working Group devoted to drafting a compensatory mechanisms to support the restaurant, trade and entertainment businesses during quarantine restrictions is operating under the VRU Committee on Financial Issues, Tax and Customs Policy.