Ukraine: Top 5 Agricultural companies by capacity of biogas installations

Bioenergy occupies 70% of all renewable energy sources (RES) in Ukraine and is an integral part of the country's “green” energy transformation.

Beeld: ©MHP / MilkUA

This is shown by the data from the Energy of the Greens rating TOP-5 agrarian companies by biogas plant capacity published on

According to the State Energy Efficiency of Ukraine, there are only 51 biogas plants in the country. Petro Kucheruk, a member of the expert council of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine, said that as of July 1, 2020, there are 34 stations in Ukraine (for which a green tariff has been set) with a total electrical capacity of 96.701 MW.

The companies in agro-industrial complex own 26 biogas plants, 24 of which are directed to the production of electrical energy (the rest - to the production of thermal energy). The total capacity of biogas plants for agricultural raw materials (18 stations), for which the green tariff is in effect, is 54.294 MW. And 6 more stations still operate without a green tariff.

The TOP-5 agricultural companies by the volume of capacities of biogas plants put into operation included:

  1. MHP (biogas plant based on Orel-Leader and Vinnitsa Poultry Farm) - the capacity of biogas plants is 17.692 MW;
  2. "Ukraine-2001" (biogas station on the territory of "Teofipolskiy sugar plant") - 15,609 MW;
  3. (bioenergy complex in Globino) - 12 MW;
  4. "Panda" (biogas complex "Korsun Eco Energo") - 7.5 MW;
  5. "Hals Agro" - 6 MW.

Despite the fact that many companies announce plans to build and expand biogas capacities, experts believe that, in general, investor interest in such projects in the near future will be lower than in 2018-2019. This is due to a change in the rules of the game in the market (revision of legislation to stimulate the production of energy from renewable energy sources in general and biomass in particular), and with the instability of payments for the green tariff that began at the end of last year.

Source: Latifundist