Ukrainian seed potato

The share of seed potatoes in the Ukrainian market today is very low, and its cultivation is more profitable than table potato.

UA potato
Beeld: ©NL Embassy in Ukraine

This opinion was expressed by the director of LLC "Solana Ukraine" Igor Zavadsky, during Zoom conference of Association of Potato producers of Ukraine.

According to Zavadsky, today in Ukraine licensed seeds are produced on an area of ​​not more than 1 thousand hectares, and in compliance with all the rules of the seed business. There are no more than a dozen farms that grow certified potato seeds.

At the same time, the price of Ukrainian potatoes grown according to all the rules of seed production is equal to the European one and is about 500 euros / ton. The price for imported seed potatoes (from EU) is increased by the costs of with logistics, customs clearance of goods etc.

According to the expert, the Ukrainian market will be experiencing a shortage of quality seeds for a long time, and therefore it is worth investing in this sector.