In January-June 2020, Ukraine exported fruits and berries worth $ 95 million

The volume of supplies of Ukrainian fruit and berry products to Italy, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Azerbaijan amounted to about $ 4 million to each of the countries.

Strawberry Yagidnyi Rai
Beeld: ©NL Embassy in UA

In January-June 2020, Ukraine exported fruits and berries worth $ 95 million. This is 18% less than in the same period last year. As before, more than 95% of the value in the commodity structure of our exports of this group continues to be formed by walnuts (peeled and shelled), frozen fruits (mainly berries), as well as seeds.

Thr main reason for the decline in revenues of Ukrainian fruit exporters was the reduction in sales of these items compared to 2019. Exports of walnuts abroad decreased by almost a third - from 33 thousand tons to 22 thousand tons. Exports of apples and pears decreased more than 4 times - from 42 thousand tons to 10 thousand tons. At the same time, sales in foreign markets of frozen fruits and berries of Ukrainian production decreased by 5% - from 18 thousand tons to 17 thousand tons.

The defining markets for Ukrainian exporters this year are France ($ 12 million), Poland ($ 11 million), Germany ($ 7 million), Turkey ($ 6 million), Belarus ($ 5 million), and Austria ($ 5 million). The volume of supplies of domestic fruit and berry products to Italy, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Azerbaijan amounted to about $ 4 million to each of the countries.

In general, about 70% of the value of exports of our fruits and berries are obtained as a result of sales to the European Union.

Restrictions related to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic have had a negative impact on Ukrainian fruit and berry exports. Delays in the movement of products within the European Union due to the introduction of additional inspections, reduction of actual targeted flights by all modes of transport, a significant increase in the cost of shipping became critical for short-term goods, which include fruits and berries. The usual modes of operation of the developed logistics systems were violated, so our entrepreneurs were forced to make decisions on the reduction of planned export deliveries or their cancellation, primarily to Asian markets.
