Ukraine to Open Agricultural Land Market in 2020
The Ukrainian President and the Government expressed commitment to lift moratorium for agricultural land sale and launch agricultural land market starting from October 2020.
The Draft Law "On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine on the circulation of agricultural lands” was developed by the Ministry of economic development, trade and agriculture of Ukraine and proposed for public discussion at the website of the Ministry.
This draft foresees that agricultural land can be acquired by the state, territorial communities, citizens of Ukraine, and legal entities registered in Ukraine. It also sets limitations to maximum land areas to be acquired by citizens or legal persons: not more than 15% of lands in oblast and 0,5% of the agricultural lands of Ukraine, the lessees get priority right for purchase of rented plots. This draft law catalyzed ardent discussions about the land market in the society.
Starting from today, alternative draft laws are being registered by the Parliament.