UA Parliament passes at first reading agricultural cooperation bill

KYIV. June 4 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada has passed at first reading bill No. 6527-d on agricultural cooperation, Deputy Head of the parliamentary agriculture committee Oleksandr Bakumenko.

"A total of 233 in favor [of the bill] at first reading. Our committee will as quickly as possible prepare the bill for second reading and bring it to the session hall for making the final decision,"  Oleksandr Bakumenko wrote on his Facebook page.

According to the explanatory note to the bill, the existing legislation in the field of agricultural cooperation does not allow fully realizing the potential of cooperatives, and sometimes blocks their development. This bill is intended to regulate all legal relations on the creation, activities and termination of agricultural cooperatives in accordance with international standards.

UA Agro Cooperatives bill
Beeld: ©Олександр Бакуменко