Visit of Ukrainian delegation of energy experts to the Netherlands

Ukrainian delegation of energy experts visited the Netherlands on March 19-23 to study the Dutch expertise in biobased energy field. The tour has been organized within the PIB Biobased Energy Ukraine Project.

2018 Ukraine biomass tour
Beeld: Natalia Kliuchnikova

PIB Biobased Energy Ukraine is the Dutch public-private partnership established in 2015 to use the momentum of Ukraine energy sector transformation of switching from traditional fuels towards renewables as well as unlock enormous underestimated potential for biobased economy. The PIB is supported and financed by both the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate in the Netherlands, as by Dutch companies active in biobased energy in Ukraine.

Ukrainian delegation represented all three key components of the PIB’s activities, uniting 18 delegates from the state and local government, business community and educational institutions.

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