Over de LVVN-raad Zuid-Afrika

Niek Bosmans is sinds september 2020 werkzaam als LVVN-raad op de Nederlandse ambassade in Pretoria voor Zuid-Afrika. Sinds augustus 2024 wordt hij daar ondersteund door LVVN-attaché Timo Cober.

Niek Bosmans
Niek Bosmans

Niek Bosmans, LVVN-raad

De LVVN-raad en zijn team zetten zich in voor een goede positie van de Nederlandse agribusiness en draagt bij aan landbouw- en natuurontwikkeling met inzet van Nederlandse technologie. Hierbij spelen cross overs met bijvoorbeeld water en energie een steeds grotere rol.

Lees het interview met Niek Bosmans

LAN team

Het complete LAN team bestaat uit:

  • LVVN-raad: Niek Bosmans
  • LVVN-attaché: Timo Cober
  • Landbouwadviseur: Bernard Likalimba
  • Beleidsondersteuner landbouw: William Bowden
  • Managementondersteuner: Dalene Breytenbach
Timo Cober
Timo Cober

Timo Cober, Agricultural Attaché

Timo Cober is Agricultural Attaché at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Pretoria.

Read the interview with Timo Cober (in Dutch)

Bernard Likalimba
Bernard Likalimba

Bernard Likalimba, Agricultural Advisor

Married for 24 years, Bernard Likalimba has 3 children. Since 2000 he has worked extensively with private companies and international NGOs on social and economic issues across Africa and other parts of the world. For more than 10 years Bernard has worked on policy and economic aspects in the Agricultural Sector.

Read the interview with Bernard Likalimba

William Bowden
William Bowden

William Bowden, Agricultural Officer

William Bowden joined the agriculture team in November 2022, as a fresh university graduate. With a background in international relations and foreign languages he is right at home in the embassy team. As the Agricultural Support Officer his day to day responsibilities include managing the team's finances, drafting reports or conducting research for internal affairs as well as trade requests.

Dalene Breytenbach
Dalene Breytenbach

Dalene Breytenbach, Management Assistant

Dalene Breytenbach is the Management Assistant for the agriculture team. She joined the team in June 2021. Previously she worked in a corporate environment as an investment specialist and thereafter as the personal assistant to the Ambassador of Hungary and the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in South Africa. Dalene studied at the Tshwane University of Technology in Pretoria, in the Administration and Secretarial field.

LAN team foto voor de ambassade in Pretoria
Agriculture team in Pretoria


LVVN-raad Zuid Afrika