Ukraine: the list of goods, subject to export and import quotas and licensing in 2024
Among them wheat, rye, barley, corn, soybeen, rapeseed, sunflower seeds and oil etc...
Resolution No. 1402 dated December 27, 2023 was published on the government portal and came into force on 1 January 2024.
KYIV. Jan 2 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The Cabinet of Ministers approved the lists of goods, the export and import of which are subject to licensing and quotas for 2024.
According to the document, wheat and a mixture of wheat and rye are subject to licensing (tariff heading 1001); rye (1002); barley (1003); oats (1004); corn (1005); soybeans, whether or not ground (1201); rapeseed or colza seeds, whether or not ground (1205); sunflower seeds, ground or unground (1206 00); soybean oil and its fractions, whether refined or unrefined (1507); sunflower, sunflower or cottonseed oil, whether refined or unrefined (1512); Rapeseed or mustard oils and their fractions, refined or unrefined (1514); cakes and other solid wastes and residues obtained from the extraction of vegetable or microbial fats and oils, other than wastes of heading 23.04 or 23.05, whether or not ground, whether or not granulated (23.06).
According to the resolution, licenses for the export (import) of goods specified in Government Resolution No. 1466 of December 27, 2022, not used by subjects of foreign economic activity in 2023, are valid until March 1, 2024, unless otherwise provided by the relevant international treaties of Ukraine.
According to the resolution, the consideration of applications for licenses for the export of agricultural goods is carried out in the manner established by the Ministry of Economy, according to which the exporter is required to undergo verification. In addition to the application, a foreign economic activity entity must provide copies certified by the applicant's manager with extracts from the register of value added tax payers and bank certificates confirming the opening of a bank account by a nonresident (buyer of goods). If such a bank certificate is drawn up in a foreign language, the applicant adds its translation into Ukrainian.
During the period of martial law, registration and submission of documents by applicants is carried out in electronic form through the relevant information and communication systems (electronic services portal of the Ministry of Economy, unified public web portal of electronic services).
The government obliged the Ministry of Economy to ensure licensing of export and import of goods specified in the resolution; enter into the unified state information web portal "Single-Stop for International Trade" information about issued licenses for the export/import of goods in the form of an electronic document on the day the licenses are issued. The State Customs Service was obliged to enter into the single state information web portal "Single-Stop for International Trade" information on the volume of exports/imports of goods, the licensing of which is provided for by the resolution, on the day of export or import of goods.
Resolution No. 1402 came into force on January 1, 2024.