New animal welfare standards are presented for discussion in Ukraine

Requirements for Animal Welfare are presented for public discussion by Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture.

The document sets minimum requirements for the welfare of farm animals.

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The draft order approving these Requirements was published on the official website of the Ministry of Economy for public discussion. The requirements will apply to all species of farm animals. The same draft order provides for the establishment of additional special requirements for: broilers, laying hens, pigs, and calves.

Deputy Minister Serhiy Glushchenko believes that approval of the requirements will help spread the practice of respectful treatment of farm animals in Ukraine, improve their living conditions, preserve their health, reduce the risk of injury and suffering.

In particular, it is planned to establish:

• guaranteed minimum area for different species of farm animals;

• minimum frequency of inspection of farm animals;

• mandatory free access of animals to drinking water and feed, as well as veterinary services;

• requirements for levels of lighting, noise, gassiness, safety of materials of premises in which farm animals are kept, etc.

"The draft order is another step on the path to our European integration. The requirements of five acts of EU law will be implemented in Ukrainian legislation, "Serhiy Glushchenko said.

Please see the draft order. The business operators can submit their input during one month to the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture.