Continental Farmers Group plans to increase area under potatoes

Continental Farmers Group has started harvesting potatoes, the total area under the crop in the current production season is 1,700 hectares: namely, some 1,100 hectares in Lviv region and 600 hectares in Ternopil region.

Continental Farmers group Ukraine
Beeld: ©

According to the group's press release on Thursday, Continental has traditionally grown chips, seeds and food varieties in 2020. The agricultural holding plans to finish the harvest by the end of September.

The company said that the direction of potato growing from year to year remains one of the strategic for the company, as the group has its own modernized production facilities for storing and processing potatoes, has specialized equipment for this crop in its agricultural park, and also uses its own proven technologies for its cultivation.

"In addition, the presence of potatoes in the crop rotation has a positive impact on the company's crop production and helps to differentiate potential risks by crops. Taking these factors into account, Continental expects an increase in potato planting areas to 2,200 hectares in 2021 and a gradual proportional growth the share of this culture in the overall structure in subsequent seasons," the group said in the statement.

The total capacity of Continental Farmers Group's potato storage facilities is more than 87,000 tonnes of one-time storage. The company's CEO Georg von Nolcken confirmed Continental's intentions to increase its own potato assets and invest in the expansion of potato storage facilities in the region of its presence in the near future.

In parallel with the harvesting of potatoes in the fields of Continental Farmers Group, the first wave of the harvesting campaign is coming to the end. The company is also actively preparing the soil and sowing winter crops for the 2021 harvest.

Mriya agroholding and CFG, united under the name Continental Farmers Group, have been operating as a single business since November 2018.