Ukraine to toughen rules for beekeeping

KYIV, April 1 – The Agricultural Policy and Food Ministry plans to toughen rules for beekeeping, acting Agricultural Policy and Food Minister Olga Trofimtseva said at a roundtable entitled "Farmers vs Beekeepers" held last week.

Beeld: Carolien Spaans

"We have a bill on the treatment of agricultural chemicals, in which we propose to strengthen the protection of the

rights of beekeepers. A number of ministry orders are also being worked out to improve the conditions for the functioning of beekeepers," Trofimtseva said. According to the data from the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumers' Rights Protection, which was announced by its Head Volodymyr Lapa, 1,400 applications about bee poisoning were received in 2018, but only 54 were confirmed cases of pesticide poisoning. According to the Union of Beekeepers of Ukraine, in 2018, 45,000- 46,000 bee colonies were killed.

As he said, the established communication between agricultural producers and beekeepers can significantly reduce the number of cases of bee poisoning. In particular, the agricultural holdings Mriya and Goodvalley signed memorandums with beekeepers and launched an SMS notification about the processing of fields.

Source: Ukrainian Journal