DUTCH FOOD Calendar presents Tompouce in April

In April the  DUTCH FOOD calendar 2019, inspired by the vision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands, presents Tompouce.

The tompouce is an iconic Dutch pastry, usually served at birthday parties. It is basically cream between two layers of puff pastry, with pink icing on top. It may not look extremely festive with its straight brick-like form, but this straightforwardness is actually its charm. No frills or extravagant cake decorations needed, a simple design and good quality is what the Dutch like in their food, as in their lives. It’s no coincidence that Holland’s most beloved sayings goes: ‘act normally, that’s crazy enough.’

So it’s a bit ironic that it’s not that easy to act normally when eating a tompouce. There has yet to be found a way to eat it without making a mess, although it helps to turn it on its side. The scarce times you will find a non-pink tompouce are around Kingsday on April 27th, and around important matches of the Dutch national football team. The icing turns orange, and during those days you will not see any restrained ‘normalcy’ in Holland. Bring your most extravagant orange outfit, and join in on the many exuberant street parties. 

See the recepie here and Facebook page