Asparagus as the idea for business in Ukraine

Asparagus is one of the most efficient crop to produce in Ukraine, on the market it cost up to 10 euro per kilogram.

Retail price of asparagus for 1 kg in the supermarket is 300 UAH or about 10 euro. Almost 90% of asparagus Ukraine imports from Europe and China in fresh as well as proceed products (preserves and frozen asparagus). That is, 90% of the funds from growing asparagus Ukrainian farmer loses, although he could earn. Therefore, there is much to grow our producers.

Asparagus is planted once in 8 years, and throughout this period you can harvest. But in the first year it is possible to cut off sprouts for about one month, about 1 t/ha, then — 3 t/ha, and the peak of asparagus yield falls on the 3-4th year. Already from the 5th to the 8th years - in proportion to the decline. If you grow asparagus from the seeds, then you can get the crop already on the 3rd year.

In Ukraine, Kherson region farmer Oleg Demchenko started to grow asparagus 4 years ago. He has bought seeds in Holland, and the next year already had a harvest. «The first harvest from 1 hectare was about 1 ton, and in 2018, that is for the third year — 5 tons per hectare. The maximum yield of asparagus is 5-6 t/ha », — says farmer.

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