Ukrainian government established 2-level control system for organic products

The new Law on «Basic principles and requirements for organic producing, handling and labeling of organic production» will allow to monitor the production and circulation of organic products in Ukraine. This will increase the ability to control certification state agency and producers, who will be excluded from the registers in cases of violations in standards.

This was stated by the Deputy minister of agricultural policy and food of Ukraine, Olga Trofimtseva, during a press conference in Kyiv.

«The first control level will be carried out by certification authority that certify operators and producers in our organic market. At the second stage, the State service of Ukraine for food safety and consumer protection will monitor the producers and certification authority both», — said Trofimtseva.

According to Yevgen Milovanov, chairman of the board of the Federation of the Organic Movement of Ukraine, there are about 20 certification authorities in Ukraine that check the products for compliance with the standards of the EU, the USA, Canada, Switzerland and other countries — as a rule these authorities are non-government. All of them must be accredited.

Under this law, control over the quality of the eco products will be carried out through planned and unplanned activities, in particular monitoring of organic products on the market in order to prevent inorganic products labeled as organic, checking the activity of certification authorities, as well as selective inspection of operators' activities. For violations will be imposed a mulct in the amount of eight minimum wages for entities, for individual entrepreneurs-in the amount of five minimum wages.

«I ask you to take this responsibly, because according to this law, administrative fines will be imposed for both market operators and certification authorities», — Olga Trofimtseva noted.

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