Documenten - Oekraïne

211 documenten over Oekraïne

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  1. Catalogue of Ukrainian Organic Exporters 2023

    This catalogue is developed within the framework of the online event “Organic Export During the War”. This event is organised by ...

    Publicatie | 03-05-2023

  2. GrowInUkraine - Export of Ukrainain agrifood products 2022

    Ukrainian agriculture, Export from Ukraine

    Publicatie | 13-04-2023

  3. FCI: Exclusive interview with the President of Ukrainian Florist’s Society

    Flowers symbolise the resilience of Ukraine’s people

    Publicatie | 20-03-2023

  4. Nederlandse hulp voor Oekraïne: van dag tot dag

    Nederlandse hulp voor Oekraïne

    Publicatie | 15-02-2023

  5. Dutch expedition of 8.000 km along the front line in Ukraine to meet beekeepers

    From Mykolaiv, Dnipro and Zaporizhzhya to Kharkiv. These Ukrainian cities regular appear in war news in EU media. But they can be ...

    Publicatie | 02-02-2023

  6. Impact of the war on agriculture and rural livelihoods in Ukraine

    FAO; Ukraine; agriculture

    Publicatie | 12-01-2023

  7. Dutch aid for Ukraine: from day to day

    Dutch aid for Ukraine

    Publicatie | 01-01-2023

  8. HatchTech Oekraïne: diervriendelijke innovatie leveren in uitdagende tijden

    HatchTech Ukraine; diervriendelijke innovatie leveren

    Publicatie | 22-12-2022

  9. The Face of Destruction - Impact of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on the Seed Sector

    In mid-May 2022, the employees of the Yuriev Plant Production Institute were informed that Russian troops had purposefully shot ...

    Publicatie | 18-10-2022

  10. Get together after 7 months of war - horti conference in Ukraine

    All-Ukrainian scientific and practical charity conference "Horticulture: fruit, vegetables, berry growing in war time. learning ...

    Publicatie | 29-09-2022