Documenten - Oekraïne

211 documenten over Oekraïne

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  1. Good Food Video - Dutch Cuisine

    "Good Food" is our first video experience presenting Dutch Cuisine in Ukraine. We combined the Dutch recipes with the healthy and ...

    Publicatie | 07-06-2018

  2. Opportunities in Ternopil; preparations trade mission

    Western Ukraine is the focus of both the agricultural and economic teams the Embassy in 2018. In the framework of preparation of ...

    Publicatie | 28-05-2018

  3. Establishment of a land market in Ukraine: current state and prospects

    More than 25 years have passed since the adoption of the first resolution of the Verkhovna Rada “On Land Reform.” Despite such a ...

    Publicatie | 25-05-2018

  4. Living Business Cases: Agri Food MBA (KMBS) at Wageningen UR

    Three challenges were put on the MBA students from the Agri Food MBA of Kyiv-Mohyla Business School (KMBS) from three Dutch ...

    Publicatie | 17-05-2018

  5. Working visit to Lutsk and Rivne region May 2018

    On 2-3 May 2018, the agricultural counsellor Carolien Spaans and honorary consul Andriy Hrynchuk visited Lutsk and Rivne region ...

    Publicatie | 09-05-2018

  6. 2018 Chain comparison of the meat sector in Ukraine and in the Netherlands

    Chain comparison of the meat sector in Ukraine and in the Netherlands was prepared by the Ukrainian Food Export Board together ...

    Publicatie | 08-05-2018

  7. Ukrainian Business Journal: Agriculture Opportunity Reports

    In this publication we present the Ukrainian Business Journal (UBJ) Opportunity Report on Agriculture produced with the ...

    Publicatie | 07-05-2018

  8. List of EU tariff quotas in the Association Agreement EU - UA

    In the Association Agreement different quota's for agricultural products were agreed upon. Quotas based on the principle "first ...

    Publicatie | 24-04-2018

  9. Ukraine and the Netherlands: Together we can feed the world

    Business Ukraine magazine published a special edition of Netherlands in Ukraine. Part of the special is an article by the ...

    Publicatie | 24-04-2018

  10. Holland Pavilion at Agro Exhibitions in Kyiv Feb 2018

    Holland Pavilion supported by: Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Embassy of ...

    Rapport | 30-03-2018