Dunaivtsi City Day Ukraine
Cooperation of small farmers is important for transition to sustainable agro production, improvement of income and livelihood in rural areas.

Since 2019 when the small village Lysets won the competition Incredible Villages of Ukraine supported by the Dutch Embassy in Kyiv there were number of projects successfully implemented by the local cooperative Yagidnyi Ray in cooperation with representatives of Dutch companies in Ukraine. These projects include production of berries, vegetables and development of family dairy farms.
It was great to visit the cooperative in autumn to discuss the results of the season 2021.

The visit was also devoted to the celebration of the City Day of Dunaivtsi, which gathered many friends and business partners of local community. Agricultural Counsellor Reinoud Nuijten was invited for a velcome speech.

"Dear residents of Dunaivtsi and guests of today celebration.
The Embassy of the Netherlands got acquainted with the city of Dunaivtsi in 2019 and since then our cooperation has grown into friendship.
We are happy to support your ideas and initiatives in the development of entrepreneurship, training and introduction of new production methods.
The Netherlands is a small country but it is the 2nd largest exporter of agricultural products in the world.
I am convinced that great results can be achieved by constant learning, sharing experiences and hard working. I see exactly this approach in Dunaivtsi.
I am happy that our partners from Danaivtsi region are gladly share their valuable experience with producers from other regions.
The slogan of the Netherlands is Solving Global Challenges Together. And we do it together with our partners.
We appreciate our friendship and partnership and see great prospects and a common desire for its further development."

The official part was follwed by the concert of local and invited bands.