Market Study Green Cities Ukraine

In Oekraïne komt steeds meer aandacht voor groene plekken maken in de stad. Dit uitgebreide Engelstalige rapport beschrijft de ontwikkelingen, kansen en drempels in deze sector. Verschillende publieke en private spelers komen aan bod. Ook geeft het rapport praktische informatie en tips om deze Oekraïense markt te betreden.

Market Study Green City Ukraine
Beeld: ©#UAgroNL

This market study has been commissioned in the framework of the Governmental Program Partners for International Business (PIB) and initiated by the Netherlands Embassy in Ukraine and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) with the aim of increasing cooperation of Dutch suppliers of horticulture and planting materials, as well as Dutch landscape architects and sector suppliers with active participants in the Ukrainian public and private urban greening sector.

The study is initiated by the Netherlands Embassy in Ukraine and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency under the (PIB) Partners for International Business Program.

Executed by АТМ Trade Management

A public report contains the potential, priorities, developments, public and private players as well as obstacles within realization of the urban projects for city greening for the Dutch companies in Ukraine.

Read also:

Webinar Kansen in de groene stad in Oekraïne

WUR A geen environment good for your health
Beeld: ©WUR

A green environment: good for your health

A research conducted by Wageningen University & Research (WUR) together with NIVEL and the Julius Center (UMC) shows that the greener the living environment, the lower is the use of ADHD medication in children aged five to 12 years old. Green spaces brings important benefit for vulnerable groups such as elderly and people with low socio-economic status who don’t have an easy access to a garden or a park in their living areas.

Read the research: 

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