16 februari VI All-Ukrainian Charitable Scientific and Practical Conference Berry growing and processing under martial law: learning to win!
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- Rivne, Ukraine
The event is rescheduled to 16-17 February. The Netherlands Embassy will support this event that will bring together the key producers, processors, traders and exporters of fresh and processed fruit and berries.
The organizer of the event is the media group Technologies and Innovations. The conference will include the session on freezing and cold logistics, discussion panel on selling fresh products on the domestic market and export, an exhibition of gardening technologies, negotiation and B2B meetings, networking, etc.
Venue: hotel and restaurant complex Aivengo (Rivne).
The event will be held with the support of the Charitable Foundation "Strong and Free" , whose director, Tetyana Smirnova, will hold a charity auction of goods and services for horticulture, berry growing and vegetable growing at the end of the conference day to raise funds for the Armed Forces and make a significant contribution to our joint Victory!
The main idea of the conference: even in difficult wartime to support berry growers, gardeners and vegetable growers, popularizing the latest technologies and advanced experience acquired in the extreme conditions of war, contributing to the development of farms and enterprises, solving issues of food security and welfare of the country.
The purpose of the conference: to acquaint market participants with the technologies of the new era in order to implement them in their berry orchards, gardens, and vegetable plantations. Find ways to sell and store products in today's difficult conditions – from selling on the fresh market to processing, freezing and exporting.
The program of the first day, February 23:
• Conference section Berry growing: main trends and challenges of wartime. Speeches by practicing farmers and representatives of technological companies.
• Discussion panel: Sales on the domestic market and for exportproduct quality and certification, packaging, logistics, pricing policy, etc.
• All-Ukrainian congress on freezing and cold logistics of berry, orchard and vegetable plantation products: we multiply modern technologies by quality.
• Exhibition of equipment, materials and techniques for berry growing, horticulture and vegetable growing;
• Negotiation tables with B2B meetings;
• Exhibition of products and drinks from berries, fruits, vegetables.
Participants: owners, managers, chief specialists of berry, horticultural and vegetable farms, processing enterprises and product freezing companies, representatives of technological companies, scientists and everyone who is interested in creating and successfully developing their own business on their land.
Conference participants will discuss many multifaceted issues:
• Modern berry growing: what crops to choose to be in trend;
• Blueberry: results of the 2022 season and prospects for the development of the market of this crop in 2023;
• Garden strawberries: rules for choosing high-quality planting material;
• Niches take over, or about the winning prospects of sea buckthorn, honeysuckle, alpine strawberry, rosehip, elderberry and other rare crops;
• Black currant: a successful business based on traditional culture;
• Berry growing in open and closed soil: comparative characteristics;
• Effective methods of increasing the yield of berries;
• Mechanization and automation in the berry orchard: from planting to harvesting;
• New trends in sorting, processing and packaging;
• Types and technologies of fruit and berry processing;
• Manufacturer and seller: how to find a common language and be in the plus.
During the II Congress on freezing and cold logistics, the following issues will be raised:
• Market of frozen berries in Ukraine. Results of the 2022 season. Change of vectors in 2022/23.
• Presentation of successful experience of freezing and cooling of berries.
• Export of frozen berries.
• What is profitable: own freezing capacity at the enterprise or outsourcing services from specialized companies?
• Selection of refrigeration equipment: what mistakes should be avoided?
• Review and analysis of various technologies, types of freezing and cooling of berries, future prospects.
• Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the freezing business.
• Experience in the processing of fruit and berry products.
The event will bring together owners and directors of berry farms and cooling and freezing complexes, agronomists, agroconsultants, manufacturers of plant protection products, nutrition and other products for berry growers, experts, exporters, representatives of logistics companies, companies offering technologies, freezing equipment , processing, berry growers who have their own freezing facilities at their enterprise or who just want to build a successful business on freezing fruit and berry products, scientists, etc.
In hall 2 there will be an exhibition of equipment, tools, plant protection products, fertilizers, etc. –everything for modern berry growing, horticulture, vegetable growing and processing. Well-known Ukrainian and foreign companies will present the latest technological achievements of the berry industry (equipment for sorting, processing, freezing of berries, plant protection products, packaging for berries, etc.).
The program also includes negotiation tables with Ukrainian and foreign trade networks. Everyone present will be able to discuss issues related to the sale of berry products directly with representatives of trade networks and establish cooperation with them.
In addition, producers of beverages and products for the processing of berries, fruits and vegetables will visit the conference. They will present their products and provide them for tasting. So, there will be a presentation-tasting of products made from fruits and berries, including with the addition of honey (candies, dried fruits, chips, frozen products, jams, freeze-dried products). Conference participants will also be able to taste juices, wines, tinctures, liqueurs, ciders, syrups, berry and honey drinks, etc.
On the second day, February 24, conference participants will visit berry and processing farms of Volyn region to see in practice how to successfully grow berries and develop in the direction of processing.
Join the business community for a shared future. After all, now more than ever it is important to support each other, unite and solve pressing issues together. We believe in the Armed Forces and joint Victory!
Registration of participants and partners - by contacts:
Larysa Tovkach: +38 097 96 89 516
Anna Pankratenkova: +38 097 759 25 83
Iryna Petroniuk: +38 096 49 166 92
Project manager: Nadiya Yashchuk, tel. +38 (068) 568-58-22, rnadia@ukr.net
Creative director: Kateryna Koneva, editor-in-chief/publisher of the Technologies and Innovations: +38 067 238 18 51 kateryna.koneva@gmail.com
The General Information Partner is the international specialized magazine Berryfield, www.jagodnik.info (Ukraine),
Media partners of the conference are specialized magazines Horticulture and Vegetable growing. Technologies and Innovations, www.techhorticulture.com, Drinks. Technologies and Innovations (Drinks.Technologies), www.techdrinks.info.
Visit the FB page of the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/875425310319282/