Sector organizations in Ukraine

Below you can find links to the organizations in AgriFood and Horticultural sector active in Ukraine. These organizations can provide information on sector, trade, investment opportunities, key players and help with finding partners in Ukraine. The list is not complete, so for specific sectors, please contact out team.

Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB)” see also Facebook @UkrainianAgribusinessClub

All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council see also in Facebook

Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation see also in Facebook

SAF Ukraine (Sustainable Agribusiness Forum)

Kyiv School of Economics see also in Facebook

Center for Food and Land Use Research (KSE Agrocenter)

The Multi-agency Donor Coordination Platform for Ukraine

National Association of Agricultural Advisory Services of Ukraine also on Facebook

Ukrainian Berries Association see also Facebook @uaberries

Association “UKRSADPROM (USPA) - Gardening see also Facebook

Public Union Ukrsadvinprom -Association of Gardeners, Grape Growers and Winemakers of Ukraine see also  Facebook

Ukrainian Horticultural Association (UHA) see also Facebook @uahortassociation/

Seed Association of Ukraine see also Facebook Seed Association

"Ukrainian Seed Partnership" Association see also Facebook page

UMDIS Mushroom Informational Agency see also Facebook page @IAUmdis  

Ukrainian Nut Association 

Dairy association see also Facebook @UkrainianDairyAssociation

The Union of dairy enterprises of Ukraine see also in Facebook

Our team | QFTP

Association of Confectionery of Ukraine

Ukrainian Grain Association See also

Livestock farming institute of NAAS of Ukraine

Meat Industry Association see also Facebook@associationofmeatindustry

"Pig Industry Association Ukraine" (  see aslo Facebook

Poultry Union of Ukraine (

Union "Millers of Ukraine" also in Facebook 

Vegetable Oil Industry Association Ukroilprom

National Association of Sugar Producers of Ukraine see also Facebook @Ukrsugar

Ukrainian Association of Potato Producers (UAVK) see also Facebook @kiev.uavk

Donau Soja is a European, multi-stakeholder, not-for profit membership organisation supporting the European Protein Transition with a particular emphasis on sustainable European Non-GM soya production. See also in Facebook and LinkedIn  

Ukrainian Bean and Soybean Association  (Public Association “Community Of Pulse Producers And Customers Of Ukraine” (CPPBU)) also in Facebook

Association of Ukrainian Florists see also Facebook @Ukrainianlorists

The Organic Initiative Public Association - is a platform of key Ukrainian organic stakeholders which aims to promote organic value added trade on the domestic and international markets and contribute to overall organic sector development in Ukraine.

Portal of organic agriculture in Ukraine -

NGO Organic Ukraine - The main goal of the NGO is to pursue the activities aimed at satisfying and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the Union members through promotion and development of organic movement, organic nutrition and healthy lifestyle in general.

Ukrainian organic certification body “Organic standard”

Federation of organic movement in Ukraine

The Quality FOOD Trade Program About us | QFTP

Organic component | QFTP

Swiss Consultancy -

Swiss Research Institute of Organic Agriculture -

Visit the page of UA Ministry

Institute of bast crops of Ukraine (industrial hemp and flax)

Public Union “Association for the Development of Flax and Hemp Growing of Ukraine

Ma'Rijany Hemp & Industrial Park  - hemp products, from textiles to building components.

Ukrainian hemp building association also in Facebook