Organic production

Policy icon

Organic production by  Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

Organic component | QFTP

Organic logo Ukraine
Partners 1

The Organic Initiative Public Association

is a platform of key Ukrainian organic stakeholders which aims to promote organic value added trade on the domestic and international markets and contribute to overall organic sector development in Ukraine.

Portal of organic agriculture in Ukraine -

NGO Organic Ukraine - The main goal of the NGO is to pursue the activities aimed at satisfying and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the Union members through promotion and development of organic movement, organic nutrition and healthy lifestyle in general.

Ukrainian organic certification body “Organic standard”

Federation of organic movement in Ukraine

The Quality FOOD Trade Program About us | QFTP

Organic component | QFTP

Swiss Consultancy -

Swiss Research Institute of Organic Agriculture -

Visit the page of UA Ministry