Legislation for legal entities operating in Ukraine

Law of Ukraine "On Currency and Currency Transactions" in force as of 7 February 2019
On 6 July 2018, the Law of Ukraine "On Currency and Currency Transactions" (the "Law") adopted by the Parliament of Ukraine on 21 June 2018 was published in the official journal "Voice of Ukraine" ["Голос України"]. The Law takes effect starting 7 February 2019. The overview of key changes follows in the attached newsletter of EY.

2018 Doing Business in Ukraine Legal Guide by Frishberg&Partners
Frishberg & Partners Law firm recently updated its legal reference guide, “Doing Business in Ukraine in 2018” This legal analysis is for anyone interested in working in Ukraine. It is especially useful for foreign companies and their employees who seek to obtain similar information in English language. Read more
New law on limited liability companies and additional liability companies comes into force on June 17, 2018
According to Anna Zorya, a partner, head of Corporate Law and M&A practice in Arzinger, who was a member of the working group on drafting the law, "the law is now not a strict watchdog, but a means of balancing the rights and interests of different groups of individuals, as well as a means of protecting honest participants from possible abuses”.
Our Overview prepared by the Arzinger will help you understand how the law will impact the business.

Ukrainian Language Law with Consumer Goods and Services
Law of Ukraine "on ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language" has been adopted. The Law shall enter into force ton July 16, 2019, however the provisions on the use of the Ukrainian language in consumer services shall enter into force on January 16, 2022.
Please read Arzinger. Food & Beverage | Newsletter. June 2019 https://arzinger.ua/files/FD_engl_1_06.19.pdf