2015-2018 - Partners for International Business (PIB) FoodTechLink Ukraine

Partners for International Business (PIB) FoodTechLink Ukraine http://foodtechlink.com has been formalized on 25 March 2015 by signing a covenant between the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency and a consortium of Dutch companies. The cooperation gave the Dutch equipment suppliers the opportunity to compete for large projects in the Ukrainian food processing industry. This means the installation of complete processing & packaging lines, inclusive temperature controlled storage facilities and waste water treatment installations. These processing lines meet the regular standards of food safety in the EU, confirmed by HACCP, BRC, IFS and GLOBALG.A.P. certificates.
PIB FoodTechLink Ukraine focuses on the most promising food processing sectors in Ukraine:
• Fruit & Vegetables
• Industrial Bakery & Confectionery
• Dairy
• Meat