Trade Mission Agriculture & Water Mexico
Are you a Dutch company, active in the field of water and agriculture, and are you curious about your market opportunities in Mexico? Then take part in the trade mission to the Mexican states of Baja California Norte and Jalisco from 23 to 28 March 2023, immediately after GreenTech Americas. Join us and contribute to the change that this sector needs.

Opportunities in Mexico
Agriculture and horticulture are responsible for 70% of the total water use in Mexico. At this moment many agri-food producers rely on obsolete irrigation systems and lack proper wastewater treatment, water re-use and water catchment technologies, have limited access to technical assistance, and a high dependency on chemical inputs. Policymakers and agricultural producers are currently looking at the relationship between water, energy and land use. How can water be used more efficiently? There is a strong need for smart solutions.
A market study commissioned by the Netherlands Embassy in 2021 into the opportunities for Dutch water companies in the Mexican agricultural sector concluded that Dutch companies interested in capitalizing on these opportunities should focus on five identified regions, the so-called “hotspots”. These hotspots are highly productive agri-food regions with water issues that could be addressed by Dutch expertise and producers that are able and willing to afford Dutch technology. The study describes the specific water issues and situation of each of these hotspots.
The upcoming water mission to Mexico, which is organized by the Netherlands Embassy in Mexico, will visit two of these hotspots, i.e. the state of Baja California Norte (Northwestern Mexico), and the state of Jalisco in the Bajío-Occidente (Central–West Mexico) region. Both hotspots are in urgent need of solutions for the important water issues they experience, with high value agricultural production.

Hotspot Baja California Norte
Key Assets
- Located at the border with the US (destination for most exports from this region).
- Exports are the key driver for agricultural development (horticulture, protected ag, organic).
- Organic Ag: Top organic region in Mexico (Strawberry, Lettuce, Raspberry).
- Horticulture: Strawberry, Asparagus, Tomato, Onion, Raspberry, Blueberry, Broccoli, Lettuce, Cucumber.
- Protected Ag: Tomato, Strawberry, Cucumber.
- Livestock & Meat processing: Live cattle, beef.
- Agri-Food, Beverages: Soft drinks.
Main water issues
- Aquifers (16) with a deficit -Noroeste Hydrological Region.
- Basins (3) with no availability -Península de Baja California Hydrological Region.
- Saline aquifers and aquifers with saline intrusion.
- Water pollution.

Hotspot Bajio Occidente
Key Assets
- Located in Central Mexico, with access to airports, highways, and services. Close to Mexico City and other relevant metropolitan areas (León, Morelia, Guadalajara, Aguascalientes and Toluca).
- Livestock & Meat Processing: Poultry, Beef/cattle, Pork.
- Horticulture: Strawberry, blackberry, tomato, green pepper, raspberry, broccoli, onion, asparagus, lettuce, blueberry, green tomato, cucumber.
- Fruits: avocado, guava, lemon
- Protected Ag: Tomato, strawberry, raspberry, green pepper, mushrooms, blueberry, roses.
- Organic Ag: Blackberry, avocado, blueberry, tomato, cucumber, broccoli, raspberry, lettuce.
- Agri-Food & Beverages: Dairy products, animal feed, grain mills, soft drinks.
Main water issues
- Basins (27) with no availability -Balsas, Norte, Golfo Norte, and Lerma-Santiago Hydrological Regions.
- Aquifers (62) with a deficit -Balsas, Norte, Golfo Norte, and Lerma-Santiago Hydrological Regions.
- Water pollution.
- Soil degradation (strong and extreme).

For whom?
This trade mission is for Dutch entrepreneurs and other organizations that are active in the field of water and agriculture and are interested in doing business in Mexico. You are working on topics such as:
- water for agriculture and horticulture (including on-farm water technology
- irrigation
- water treatment and sanitation
- specific crop or livestock related water themes
- soil restoration and regeneration.
Join the mission and:
- discover your market opportunities
- meet high-level stakeholders and potential customers
- present your solutions
- take part in extensive tailor-made matchmaking and networking events
- visit projects and producers in two federal states

Arrival in Baja California Norte (Thursday evening, March 23) – Departure from Mexico City (Tuesday, March 28
Participation and costs
Would you like to sign up for this mission?
Please fill out the registration form.
Signing up is possible until Friday 24 February 2023. The working language during the mission is English. Where necessary, you will receive a Spanish translation (and vice versa).
Participation costs €500 excluding VAT per company (maximum 2 participants). With more than 2 participants you pay € 250 excluding VAT per additional participant. The price includes participation in the collective program components, collective local transport (excluding air transport) and local support by the organization. Travel and accommodation costs are for your own account. The organization is not responsible for any cancellation costs.
The organization will share a proposal for the flights and hotels. Participants are responsible for booking their travel and accommodation. Transport to and from the airport is provided by the embassy on the dates of arrival and departure.
In case you have any questions about this mission, please do not hesitate to contact
Frank Hoogendoorn, Agricultural Advisor, The Netherlands Embassy in Mexico