In deze serie interviews maakt u kennis met onze landbouwadviseurs. Zij maken deel uit van het LAN team op een Nederlandse ambassade of consulaat en spelen een belangrijke rol in het dagelijkse werk van het LNV Attache Netwetk (LAN) wereldwijd. Het zijn lokaal aangenomen experts met een uitgebreid netwerk en goede contacten met de lokale overheden. Wie zijn onze landbouwadviseurs, wat voor werk doen ze, en hoe zien zij de huidige ontwikkelingen in hun land? Met enige regelmaat publiceren we een nieuw gesprek over hun persoonlijke ervaringen.
Nederlands bedrijfsleven wil steeds vaker duurzaam ondernemen in Italië
Italië en Nederland kunnen goed samenwerken op het gebied van hergebruik en verwaarding van reststromen uit bijvoorbeeld de verwerkende voedingsindustrie. Ook zou er meer kennis kunnen worden uitgewisseld als het gaat om schade door extreme weersomstandigheden en waterschaarste. Verder liggen er kansen betreffende agrotechnologie en beschermde teelt, zegt landbouwadviseur Marguerite Sipman vanuit de Nederlandse ambassade in Rome. Lees het interview met Marguerite Sipman.
Electronic phytosanitary certification is milestone in Dutch-Kenyan relations
Kenya and the Netherlands are serious trading partners that both benefit from their cooperation, on low carbon sea freight, for example, or the circular production of protein for feed. Another achievement is the introduction of electronic phytosanitary certification, says Liz Kiamba, who is an agricultural advisor at the Netherlands Embassy in Nairobi, Kenia. Read the interview wit Liz Kiamba.
Japan and the Netherlands combine know-how and technology to fight labor shortages and waste in the supply chain
Japan's population is aging. As a result, the agricultural sector is experiencing labor shortages. The combination of Japanese robotics technology and Dutch greenhouse know-how can help solve this problem and - just as important - contribute to making the sustainable production of food more effective, says agricultural advisor Yuko Saito, who is part of the LAN team in Tokyo, Japan. Read the interview with Yuko Saito.
India is a veritable testing ground for any kind of crops or seeds
Because of its size, India is like a laboratory. The amount of data you can get from there, you can get nowhere. With all its different climates, the country is a veritable testing ground for any kind of crops and seeds. If you can grow something in India, you can grow it anywhere, says agricultural advisor Sritanu Chatterjee. Read the interview with Sritanu Chatterjee.
Egypt and The Netherlands: working together on development and trade
Egypt has seen a tremendous growth in agricultural activity since the 1990s. Agriculture in Egypt is big business, says Omar Abdellatif, agricultural advisor In Egypt and Jordan. Read the interview with Omar Abdellatif.
Ireland looks to the Netherlands for technology to achieve its agricultural goals
A shift towards more sustainable food systems and reduced carbon emissions has been felt across all sectors within the agri-food industry, says Aoife Feeney, agricultural advisor in Dublin, Ireland. Read the interview with Aoife Feeney
‘VS zet in op digitalisering platteland’
Verbetering van de digitale infrastructuur op het platteland van de Verenigde Staten is een speerpunt van regering Biden, voorwaarde voor verduurzaming van de agrarische sector, zegt Caroline Feitel, senior landbouwadviseur in Washington. Lees het interview met Caroline Feitel.
'The Netherlands contribute to a more robust agriculture in Morocco'
The long-term policy for 2020-2030 in Morrocco focuses on the improvement, expansion, and sustainability of the country’s agriculture. “The Netherlands play a key role in achieving these goals", says Mohamed Amine Moustanjidi, agricultural advisor in Rabat. Read the interview with Mohamed Amine Moustanjidi
'The role of the Netherlands in South-Korea is gaining importance'
Dutch companies and knowledge institutions play an increasing role in developing the agricultural infrastructure, says Hojin Kang, agricultural advisor at the Netherlands embassy in Seoul. Read the interview with Hojin Kang
'Dutch companies support agricultural innovation in South Africa'
The collaboration between the Netherlands and South Africa on innovations in the agricultural sector is of significant importance, says agricultural advisor Bernard Likalimba in Pretoria. Read the interview with Bernard Likalimba
'Serbia is self-sufficient when it comes to food production'
There are many efforts in Serbia to meet the European standards, and to harmonise legislation. It is a bit like a 'moving target', claims agricultural advisor Mila Mirkovic, working at the Netherlands Embassy in Belgrade. Read the interview with Mila Mirkovic.
'Vietnam benefits from Dutch knowledge and products'
After decades of agricultural growth, the focus in Vietnam shifts to food quality and more sustainable production methods. The Netherlands offers knowledge from which Vietnam can benefit, claims agricultural advisor Lan Nguyen. Lees het interview met Lan Nguyen
'Agritech biedt kansen op samenwerking met VK'
De technologische ontwikkelingen in de Britse agrofoodsector gaan snel. Voor robotica, kunstmatige intelligentie en precisielandbouw liggen mogelijkheden tot samenwerking met Nederlandse partijen. Dat zegt landbouwadviseur Bas Harbers. Lees het interview met Bas Harbers
‘Investeer in vertrouwensrelatie met Belgische partner’
België en Nederland zijn buurlanden, toch zijn er behoorlijke cultuurverschillen. Dat uit zich ook in de samenwerking tussen bedrijven en overheden, zegt Caroline Schauvlieger, landbouwadviseur in het landbouwteam in Brussel. Lees het interview met Caroline Schauvlieger
Meet Robbie Wang, agricultural advisor in Guangzhou, China
Robbie Wang is agricultural advisor (AA) at the Consulate General in Guangzhou and covers South China. Robbie started at the CG Guangzhou at the beginning of this year, after being posted as agricultural advisor in Hong Kong for seven years. Read the interview with Robbie Wang