Lessons learned from an RVO pilot project in Jordan
In 2019, RVO, in close consultation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Amman (EKN), launched the pilot project ‘Inclusive Horticulture Value Chain Jordan (IHVC)’.
The Dutch consultancy firm ‘Advance Consulting’ was selected to implement the project for a duration of 3 years. Together with the stakeholders and beneficiaries in Jordan the implementing team has been working hard to contribute to the increased competitiveness and performance of Jordanian horticulture produce, rural job creation, efficient use of water and income generation in horticulture.
The enclosed report summarizes the main findings of the Mid-Term Evaluation by KIT Royal Tropical Institute and Technopolis of the IHVC pilot. It identifies best practices and lessons learned and discusses contextual factors with regard to the Theory of Change of the project.
The MTE interviews with the farmers during the field visits confirmed that key problems of agriculture were addressed, in particular with regard to the use of pesticides and fertilizer, more effective use of labor and reducing water (“the project made it possible for me to work on all of the problems that we have in agriculture”).