Nieuws - Iran

37 nieuwsberichten over Iran

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  1. Sterke steun voor moderne glastuinbouw in Iran

    Iran’s glastuinbouwsector maakt een grote groei door de laatste 10 jaren. Urbanisatie geeft daar een sterke impuls aan, want in ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 12-06-2024 | 11:00

  2. Iran steadily scales up nature-inclusive agriculture

    Discover the progress of nature-inclusive agriculture in Iran with private sector initiatives and collaboration opportunities for ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 28-09-2023 | 08:51

  3. How Iran is taking steps towards becoming a reliable source of sustainable seafood

    Sustainability is becoming more and more important in the fishing industry. Iran is no exception in this, boasting 1,258,460 tons ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 24-08-2023 | 13:54

  4. LANDac Annual International Conference 29 June - 1st July 2022

    The LANDac Annual International Conference offers a podium for knowledge exchange between researchers, practitioners and private ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 31-01-2022 | 08:08

  5. 'Verzilting en droogte zijn flinke uitdagingen voor Iran en Irak'

    De landbouw in Iran en Irak kampt met erosie, verzilting en verdroging. Nederlandse kennis kan helpen het voedselsysteem in beide ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 11-01-2022 | 13:49

  6. Organic Farming in Iran Factsheet

    Through the below link you can download a factsheet on organic farming and related value chain (farm-to fork) in Iran, prepared ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 11-08-2021 | 10:49

  7. Iran Agrofood Exhibition 2021

    Iran Agrofood 2021 will be held from 22-25 September 2021 at Tehran International Permanent Fairgrounds.

    Nieuwsbericht | 28-07-2021 | 10:19

  8. Iran National Export Strategy Report on Medicinal Herbs

    The medicinal herbs in Iran are victims of their own success due to these international trends as well as local consumption ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 28-06-2021 | 06:30

  9. NIBC 2nd Webinar on ‘Strengthening the Seed Sector’ on 9th June 2021

    On 9th June this year, in partnership with the Agricultural Network of the Netherlands Embassy in Tehran, the Netherlands-Iran ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 28-06-2021 | 06:15

  10. 'Belangstelling voor Iran neemt weer toe'

    De Nederlandse agrofoodsector krijgt weer meer belangstelling om te investeren in Iran, constateert landbouwraad Hans Smolders. ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 23-06-2021 | 09:40