Nieuws - Egypte

72 nieuwsberichten over Egypte

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  1. The Netherlands is the biggest importer of dried onions from Egypt

    Egypt’s export of dried onions has increased significantly in the last years.  According to the recent figures, Egypt ranked ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 04-06-2020 | 09:06

  2. Egypt: Courtesy call became joint call for action

    Ambassador Westhoff met with Minister El-Sayed El-Qosair, of Agriculture and Land Reclamation to discuss the long cooperation in ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 04-03-2020 | 09:00

  3. Aquaculture Africa 2020 Conference in Alexandria, Egypt

    Egypt’s city of Alexandria is set to host Africa’s most prominent aquaculture conference, Aquaculture Africa 2020 (AFRAQ2020). It ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 24-02-2020 | 17:11

  4. December fish month in Egypt

    Egyptian winter has set in. Temperatures have dropped to an average of 15˚. As fish slow down, so does fishing farming in ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 16-12-2019 | 09:32

  5. Egypt: chances to become a regional hub to develop Climate Smart crop varieties are boosted

    On 1 December 2019, Egypt will join UPOV, the international plant variety protection organization. This will be an important step ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 08-11-2019 | 16:50

  6. Farm Frites opens a new 40 million dollar plant in Egypt

    On 17 September Farm Frites launched a new potato processing plant worth USD 40 million, bringing it installed capacity to ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 24-09-2019 | 09:38

  7. ‘Vooral inzetten op kennisuitwisseling met Egypte en Jordanië’

    Maak kennis met landbouwraad Melle Leenstra. Hij is sinds de zomer van 2019 vanuit de Nederlandse ambassade in Caïro actief voor ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 18-09-2019 | 14:01

  8. Deelnemen aan Sahara Agricultural Exhibition

    Sahara is hét belangrijkste evenement in de agrarische sector in Egypte, en de hub voor gewasproductie in Noord-Afrika. Sahara ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 04-07-2019 | 15:51

  9. New ministerial decree for importing seed potatoes to Egypt season 2018 / 2019

    The Egyptian minister of agriculture signed the new ministerial decree for import phytosanitary requirements and specifications ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 18-09-2018 | 11:06

  10. DHI subsidy programme tender

    On the 9th of August 2018 a new tender will be open in which companies can submit their application. A mandatory Quickscan must ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 11-06-2018 | 15:26