Nieuws - Egypte

72 nieuwsberichten over Egypte

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  1. Egypt plans to establish a EUR 100 million Agri-Logistics hub in Alexandria

    Egypt is a crossroads for agri-food trade between Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The Government of Egypt has the ambition to ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 24-06-2021 | 07:53

  2. Insects have the x-factor, poultry meal has potential for impact at scale; Opportunity study on circular proteins for aquafeed in Egypt.

    Egypt can feed fish with local poultry waste or insect protein rather than imported soya or fishmeal. This could save foreign ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 14-06-2021 | 09:42

  3. Palestine, Jordan launch joint agricultural venture

    The government of Jordan and the Palestinian Authority have undertaken to establish a company to market agricultural produces, ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 14-06-2021 | 09:42

  4. NL-Masr Agri-food Network Hybrid event on Inclusive Agricultural Value Chain in Egypt

    The Netherlands Agricultural Network in Cairo, together with GIZ Egypt's Agricultural Innovation Programme, are hosting the 3rd ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 07-06-2021 | 14:43

  5. Duurzame landbouw in de woestijn. Een vuurtoren of een fata morgana…?

    Grondwater onder de woestijn is een eindige hulpbron. Hoe lang kan het meegaan? Twee, drie generaties  of meer dan een eeuw? Hoe ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 20-05-2021 | 15:46

  6. Virtual seed sector visit to the Netherlands by Egyptian delegation

    Earlier this month a delegation of Egyptian decision makers engaged with counterparts in the Netherlands to exchange knowledge ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 31-03-2021 | 14:57

  7. What is keeping Egypt from unlocking its agri-business potential and a transition to a sustainable food system?

    Egypt is the largest consumer market of the Middle East and North Africa region. With a civilization built on using the Nile to ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 19-01-2021 | 10:38

  8. Exporting food to Egypt? Meet Egypt's National Food Safety Authority (NFSA)

    Are you interested in exporting food to Egypt, the largest consumer market in the Middle East and  North Africa? This market ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 24-12-2020 | 13:52

  9. RijkZwaan soft launched field station in Egypt

    Despite Corona business must go on. RijkZwaan hosts soft launch of its field station and melon field days in a series of ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 15-06-2020 | 14:05

  10. Organic is cheaper in Egypt

    SEKEM, Egyptian leader in Circular Agriculture calls for action and provides the evidence to back up their claim. Based on a Full ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 11-06-2020 | 17:13