Documenten - Bulgarije

11 documenten over Bulgarije

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  1. Bulgarian Greenhouse Production and Geothermal Energy Report

    Sector trends, challenges and opportunities for investors and suppliers are highlighted in the comprehensive market study, ...

    Rapport | 18-12-2024

  2. Bulgaria’s investments and interventions in climate smart agriculture (incl. water management) and digitalisation according to CAP strategic plan

    The CAP strategic plan of the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2023-2027 envisions the implementation of a variety of ...

    Rapport | 09-09-2022

  3. Bulgaria’s reforms and investments in the digitalization and innovation of agriculture within country’s National Recovery Resilience Plan

    Reforms and investments play fundamental role in the sixth component of the Bulgarian Recovery Resilience Plan entitled ...

    Rapport | 09-09-2022

  4. Bulgaria’s climate and environment policy according Bulgaria’s flagship strategic documents & operational programmes

    Climate and environment policy is among the comprehensive horizontal topics that play an increasingly important role in ...

    Rapport | 09-09-2022

  5. Agricultural education in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Romania

    This report gives an overview of the agricultural education in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Romania. Aim is to give insight in ...

    Publicatie | 18-01-2022

  6. Presentation by Deputy Minister Georgi Sabev

    Presentation by Deputy Minister Georgi Sabev on the current situation and the development of the Bulgarian Fruit and Vegetables ...

    Rapport | 20-11-2021

  7. Bulgarian horticulture market scan - presentation


    Rapport | 20-11-2021

  8. Netherlands Enterprise Agency – Tools for doing business abroad

    Netherlands Enterprise Agency – Tools for doing business abroad by Johannes Kirpestein, Business Development Coordinator for ...

    Rapport | 20-11-2021

  9. Bulgarian horticulture market scan

    Bulgarian horticultural sector faces increasing expectations. Whether it would be the pressure to meet growing domestic demand, ...

    Rapport | 20-11-2021

  10. Program National Breeding Event BG

    Publicatie | 28-03-2018

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